  • День 13

    Savannah to Macon

    4 июня 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    Sunday 4th June
    Last day of our holiday for tomorrow evening we fly back to Heathrow. We had decided to spend the morning in Savannah then to drive towards Atlanta to avoid a long drive tomorrow.

    Savannah dawned hot and steamy this morning. It was so hot it was difficult to find the energy to walk around. We walked along the river front where a riverboat steamer was moored. There were several tour buses that drove around the city offering the opportunity to see the sights without being in the scorching sun so we hopped onto one and enjoyed a relaxing ride around the city. Feeling peckish we looked round for somewhere to grab a bite to eat, I spotted a shop with Pie Society Traditional British Baking written across its window awning. Seeing ‘British’ I figured I would like this food so suggested we go there. The smells of all the pies as soon as we entered was overwhelming. I had a sausage roll and Peter had a steak and potato pie. It was the best food we have had all holiday and we had to buy some for later. Savannah is smaller than Charleston and although it has historic houses, there are not as many as Charleston. It has more green spaces, there are 22 green squares around the City as well as Forsyth Park which is a large park at the far end of town.

    Leaving Savannah we headed towards Macon which is about two thirds of the way to Atlanta. As we neared Macon lightning forked through the sky and thunder crashed, then it rained – really, really hard. We were glad we were close to Macon as driving conditions were dreadful. In town we pulled over and went in a bar where there was free wi-fi so we could find a place to stay. We decided on Comfort Inns as we have enjoyed previous stays and were not disappointed. As soon as we had arrived and checked in the heavens opened and the rain lashed down. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.
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