  • Hari 97

    Stuck at Hornopiren

    4 Januari 2018, Cabai ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

    We woke up and got ready by 9 am. Thr girls and I went to the restaurant opposite our cabin and ordered break while Hristo went to the ferry office to buy the tickets to the 10 am ferry.
    He joined us after a while and told that there was a que for the tickets when he reached but then there was an announcement that the 10 am ferry was postponed due to bad weather and that a fresh announcement would be made at 12 pm.
    After breakfast, we came back to the cabin and slept for a while more. Melinda and I woke up at 11:30 am went to check at the ferry office. There, we were told that both the ferries had been canceled due to bad weather and heavy storm at Caleta Gonzalo. There was a que for buying the tickets for the next day so we stood in the que. There was a que of cars and trucks standing to get on the ferry. All these people would be stuck at Hornopiren since there was no alternate route to travel South from here. I messaged Hristo to extend our stay at the room since we had seen a lot of people walk past towards the town but he was still sleeping it seems since he didn't receive the messages.
    In the meantime I continued standing in the que. There was total chaos there. No one knew what was going on inside the office bit since I was around 15 places behind, I didn't leave my place. After almost 2.5 hrs when I reached the front of the que, I was informed that they were 1st giving tickets to the people whole had the cancelled ferry at 10 am, then the ones who had it at 4 pm and then only after that, will they give the tickets to those who didn't have one. There was a separate que forming for the 'new tickets people'. I moved and stood there. My number was the 2nd bit we would have to wait till the whole main que was over and tickets altered for the ones who had their ferries today. The whole thing took another 2 hours. Around 4 pm, they announced that the ferry tickets for the 10 am ferry the next day were over and that people would have to buy tickets for the day after. On asking the details, we were told that only the vehicle tickets were over bit there still were some left for the passengers. Finally, around 4:30 pm, we reached the counters and were able to buy the tickets for the 10 am ferry the next day.
    Just when I reached the counter, there was a ferry coming in and we could see a heavy storm behind it. On inquiring, we were told that only people in the ferry were getting off. This ferry would not be going back.
    Just when we left the ferry office, the storm hit the town. We ran and took cover in the information booth cum cafe. The rain beat down like crazy. We couldn't see more tha 5 mts outside. I was quite tired after standing in the que for 5 hours so we sat and had empenadas, cakes and tea at the cafe. There was a short window when the rain reduced a bit so we left back for the cabañas. By the time we reached there, Hristo and Maria had left to have food.
    It rained the rest of the evening and we stayed indoors with the fire burning in the fireplace and keeping us warm and cozy. We watched some movies on the TV. We had a late dinner at the restaurant opposite the cabins and then slept off.
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