  • Jour 58

    Kiwi Exp. - River Valley to Wellington

    16 juin 2015, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    It was a cold wet morning in River Valley as we got up to meet the day. We shared a dorm with Pierrick and a South Korean, Chang, who is not on our bus but also happened to be staying at the lodge. Chang was very pleasant but snored like a buzz saw, so much so that it even woke Alex.

    After last night's drinking game antics our bodies were marked with bumps and bruises where gravity had got the better of us when trying to get matchboxes from chairs and get under tables without touching the floor. Alcohol had dulled any injury at the time letting us believe we should have another go...

    After breakfast we took a walk with Gali and Abi in the crisp morning air. We were given a lift out of the valley on the floor of a staff van that threw us around as the chassis bounced over unmade track. Let out at the top of the valley we walked back to the lodge. Sheep grazed on the green hillsides around us whilst in the distance the white cold of mountains and grey frost on alpine forests reminded us how cold it was. Here the road was tarmac and the decline gentle but on the final 2-300m it turned to gravel and became much steeper. The decline pushed our feet forward so we felt as if we were tip-toeing down the track. When we all left the lodge to get back on the bus at the top of this track we were panting for air by the time we reached the top.

    Even by the admittance of our driver, Jared, the day was an uneventful drive to Wellington, although to lighten this we did stop at a large adventure playground with equipment for all ages. We swarmed into the park like children; running on giant hamster wheels and through swing bridges; screaming down tube slides and zip lines; swinging from monkey bars and ropes. It was a great way to burn off some energy built up from a long bus ride.

    That wasn't the end of our exercise however as when we made our way to our hostel it included an unexpected steep climb, this time with the full weight of our rucksacks. The fresh air and the exercise still coursed through us as we sank into our bed and a deep sleep.
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