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  • Hari 34

    Pushkar not so bad

    16 Disember 2019, India ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    So as I said in the previous post we decided to stay a bit longer. Pushkar is actually quite beautiful when it cleared up and we got some sun. We met a lot of travelers here too which was cool. Still we wouldn't go back here unless we wanted to buy hippie clothes for really cheap. It was too western orientated like all the shops were selling these hippie clothes which you never see any Indian person in. And the streets are subsequently filled with white people hahaha. So it felts more like being at a psy trance festival (as psy trance was also playing in many shops and restaurants) not a bad thing, just not what we were looking for in India lol.Baca lagi

  • Hari 33

    A little good karma

    15 Disember 2019, India ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    So we stayed in Pushkar to do charity work as I said. This was really nice though we didn't do very much but it has inspired us to do more next time. Though if you want to do actual good charity work here (that will actually make a difference/ isn't a scam) you need to subscribe to some apps and stuff. We didn't think that far ahead and also its like 300€ a year so....

    Anyway that's why this was perfect. We ate at this cafe that supports a local school. They had a poster up that said you could help out anyway you wanted. So we volunteered for a day of service in the cafe, indirectly helping the kids cause we were helping the man that owns it. We also bought a bunch of school supplies and dropped them off at the school the next day with some fruit. Then we spent some time with the kids just playing which actually felt a bit weird because we were taking away their learning time but maybe that's me overthinking.

    The school was just one room with about 25 students and some older boys from another highschool that come to help out. The kids were lovely but ofcourse it was eye opening to see their school and realise how lucky we are. You know these things but it's different when you're actually there.
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  • Hari 32

    It's so cold here!

    14 Disember 2019, India ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Our first hostel was super beautiful and deserved its own little post. One thing though, its so cold here! Our first day was freezing with no sun or anything (haha while writing this I'm realising I'm complaining about 10 degrees when it's literally freezing in Holland but Still) our plans have changed and we're going more south instead of going north. So our route isn't going to make much sense anymore but oh well its worth it.

    We were only going to stay in Pushkar for two night but stayed longer to do some charity work. We did move hostel though because this hostel wasn't that great with the cold and all.

    Our first impressions here weren't that good BTW. Which weren't helped by the cold. Anyway it's very very touristy and didn't feel very authentic at all. There is not much to do either apart from a seemingly famous scam we weren't aware of until we became victims of it! They hand you a flour at the start of the market and tell you to bring it to the river so you think a nice ok we'll stroll to the river. There we got targeted by some old man who seperated us and performed some bullshit ritual and wouldn't let me see Kaya again until I promises him money so I was just agreeing to whatever cause there were two men towering over me and applying pressure. Oh well, many have been a victim to this scam but I was still a bit pissed off that they got me. So Pushkar wasn't very high on our favoured list.
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  • Hari 29

    More beautiful architecture

    11 Disember 2019, India ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Amber Fort was another example for some "who has time for that?!" architecture. The amazing thought and detail that goes into the buildings is amazing. We had a blast.

    Its totally different being in tourist places now though. White people everywhere and much less people asking for pictures. Ofcourse we had that in Agra too but still. Its funny how different Lucknow is to all the other cities we have visited. Still no regrets about going there, was pretty cool too

    Was a bit chilly today but we had a good time!
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  • Hari 28


    10 Disember 2019, India ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    This was really special - Jaipur in general has been special, just very expensive lol.

    We got to spend time with this beautiful creature called Gori. She was a rescue elephant like all the elephants there in this enclosure. So it was good to support the place, they had around 30 elephants so none of them were overworked and they were treated well.

    You could choose your activity depending on your budget, we really wanted to paint the elephant. Never will we have a canvas as cool as this ever again. Really amazing to spend time with the elephant and be super close to her for a few hours. AMAZING EXPERIENCE
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  • Hari 27

    Jaipur family

    9 Disember 2019, India ⋅ 🌙 15 °C


    Some pictures here of our lovely adoptive Jaipur family and also our hotel. The hotel was really really nice and fancy, happy birthday to me! 😀
    Had a very special birthday too because of the hospitality of this lovely family.

    Kaya met Mukesh when he was going out and I was sick in bed, he advised us to get some medicine and also explained he made many foreign friends. He seemed super and we saw him the next day on our way to the museum as he greeted us with a huge smile. We were walking but told him we'd tell him if we needed anything. On my birthday he took us into town as was very chatty. After picking us up he invited us over for chai, which was SO GOOD! We met his lovely wife and his adoring children in their home. Savi asked us over for dinner seeing as I was away from my mum and I should still have a nice meal made by a mother. So sweet, we obviously came back that night for some food.

    If you talk to anyone from India about 98% will tell you that no food beats their mothers cooking. It makes a lot of sense now. Savi's special Thali was and is unmatched. Absolutely amazing. And all prepared super sterile and with filtered water especially for us. They made us feel like royalty and shared many stories with us. I also got some henna as a special birthday treat, so beautiful.

    It was truly an honour to spend time with this friendly and giving people. We feel so lucky and will spend time with them again on our way back up to Delhi, just before we fly back home.
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  • Hari 24

    Monkey temple!

    6 Disember 2019, India ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Fallen in love with Jaipur.

    Went to the monkey temple yesterday and just oh my god. So so so sad we don't have those darn rabies shots so we couldn't feed them or get too close. But still what a cool experience! Monkeys everywhere and more blessings for us (though I did get food poisoning for the second time already so not sure how blessed I was)

    There's also a huge hike included and right at the top we found what seemed to be a dead monkey. Luckily he wasn't, but he was blind. Poor thing. Kaya and I gave him some water and food and he slowly regained more strength. Though we're not sure we did the right thing prolonging his suffering as I can't imagine he does very well. Very interesting experience though. He was very hazy with heavily dilated pupils and wouldn't respond to any movements we made only sound.

    Monkeys are so similar to us it's crazy! The baby monkeys are just too cute for words. Being sick in a hostel was not a great experience but survived. In a super duper nice hotel now for my upcoming birthday. Its really beautiful but only an added bonus to our enthusiasm for Jaipur.
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  • Hari 22


    4 Disember 2019, India ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    So the highlight of today is that instead of receiving three rupies in change we received three candies worth one rupee each. This was in an official retail store (usually everything is rounded to whole numbers and you don't work with single rupees) we thought this was very funny.

    Agra fort and Agra have been nice. The hostel we are staying in has a view of the Taj Mahal which is cool so we had some beers while looking at the master piece. Met Arjit from Mumbai here too, super cool guy. He showed us some good places to eat and made us eat some super good dishes! Getting more adventurous with the foods and l o v i n g it.

    Tomorrow we head to Jaipur which is exciting cause I'll be spending my birthday there in the pink city! Hopefully also a warm shower because we have only had cold showers for over a week now 🚿❄️😅
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  • Hari 20

    Taj Mahal!

    2 Disember 2019, India ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    First of all, thanks for all the lovely comments. Makes it feel special to share these memories with you. ❤️

    Today we got up at 5:30 and saw the Taj Mahal! Best time to go because it was still very quite. What an experience. Not much to say apart from just wow. It's so huge! And again, the detail was just fantastic. Really cool building. Felt like I checked something of my bucket list today, once in a lifetime. Very happy.Baca lagi

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