Roadtrip USA

Mai - Juni 2020
Roadtrip to Yellowstone via Salt Lake City, and on to Idaho och California. Weiterlesen
  • 16Footprints
  • 1Länder
  • 16Tage
  • 111Fotos
  • 7Videos
  • 6,1kKilometer
  • Tag 10

    Redwood National & State Parks

    28. Mai 2020 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    After having breakfast in our motel room and preparing lunch we set off towards the Redwood National and State Parks. This have been on Malin’s bucketlist for a long time and Nils has always wanted to see it but it was always too far away. Even though we knew we were going to see big trees we weren’t really sure what to expect. In the forest when Redwood trees started appearing it didn’t take long before we expressed our first ”woooow!!!”. It was like something out of this world, and it was hard to understand how big the trees were. We walked the Lady Bird Johnson trail and took at least around 50 pictures each of trees of different shapes and sizes. Nils took some drone shots and concluded that the trees were about 80m tall (at least). After an hour on the trail we got back to the car and had lunch.
    We continued to Fern Canyon where some of the Jurassic Park movies were filmed. There was an entrance fee of $8 and as we didn’t really know if it would be worth it we were a bit annoyed to pay for it. However, when we got to the trail we quickly changed our minds. It really felt like T-rex could stand around the corner and start chasing us down the trail. The trail was like an adventure course as we had to jump over the water at several places and balance over slippery stones and tree branches to get over the cold water. However, both of us failed. We both walked some of the trail with wet shoes and mud covered pants.
    After spending about 3h in the forests we went back to Eureka to check out the Carson Mansion. It’s one of the most photographed Victorian houses in the U.S. It looked very spooky already during day, so we decided to go back later to see it during night time to see if it looked even more spooky by then (it did.). When driving around in the city we saw a lot of homeless people, and we later read on the Internet that Eureka has a big problem with this. We were constantly reminded of it as we saw then walking around the motel in the evenings. After exploring Eureka for a while we went to Wendy’s to have food.
    In summary, a very very good day with a lot of fun activities (and wet shoes).

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    29. Mai 2020 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    On the way from Eureka to Sacramento we chose to drive a few kilometers on the Ave of the Giants to see a bit more of the Redwood trees. We thought we would be a bit more used to the sizes by then but as the trees started passing us we were still as amazed as the day before. We spent some more time looking at them and photographing them before continuing our journey. About halfway we stopped in Willits to have lunch, and since the temperature was around 33 degrees we decided to treat ourselves with ice cream. After being on the road for 6h we reached Sacramento and our motel. We chilled for a bit and then went out to see the historic old town before ordering and picking up food from The Old Spaghetti Factory. We enjoyed the dinner in our room and chilled for the rest of the night.
    Tomorrow: Daytrip to San Francisco!

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    San Francisco

    30. Mai 2020 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    As the weather was supposed to be bad in Sacramento we decided to go on a day trip to San Francisco. Due to the corona situation we were a bit unsure if we could enter the city, but when we got closer we noticed there were no controls and we didn’t even have to stop at the toll houses. In general the American drivers are pretty rude when driving as they’re overtaking whenever and wherever. Some are reckless drivers and accidents are a usual sight when driving on the roads. On our way to SF we saw our first accident happening in front of our eyes, when two cars collided and one was spinning from one end of the road to the other.
    However, we drove safely and got to SF at around noon. It was quite difficult driving in the city since the well-known hills make it hard to see and it was pretty busy. Our first stop was twin peaks where we had a nice view over the city. After that we drove down Lombard Street, and then went to see the Painted Ladies and had lunch in the car. The Painted Ladies were a bit of a disappointment, and it was hard taking good pictures of them. After this it was time for the highlight of the day, the Golden Gate Bridge. We parked our car and walked along the beach to get as close as possible. It was a nice 20 minute walk and when we got to the bridge we noticed people surfing in the big waves under the bridge. We both agreed that it was fascinating to see such skilled surfers, but it also looked dangerous as the rocks/cliffs were pretty close. We took about 100 pictures of the bridge in different angles before moving on. Next we were planning on going to the other side of the bridge but the viewing points in this area was closed to the public. We expected more things to be closed in the SF-area, so we were still happy as it looked quite normal in general. A good thing about corona is that it wasn’t crowded at all at the tourist spots, and we could easily find parking spots which is usually impossible here.
    After spending around 5h in the city we decided to go back to Sacramento. We had quesadillas for dinner and then went to the motel room to book accommodation for upcoming nights. After a while inside we went outside again to go have a look at the Capitol Building in the city, unaware of what was happening in the city at the time. On the way to the building we saw hundreds of policemen and cars blocking the freeway entrances, as well as several helicopters circulating above. We started seeing big groups of people wandering around the city spraying on walls of buildings, things such as ”George Floyd”, ”kill the cops”, ”black lives matter, and ”fuck the police”. It was a tense atmosphere and as we got closer to the Capitol Building we saw burning trash bins. The courthouse next to the Capitol Building was covered with spray paint, and the white statues’ faces were painted black. The Capitol Building was surrounded by hundreds of policemen protecting the building while we photographed it. Later we heard that people had been breaking into stores, blocking the freeway, attacking the police, destorying buildings, and the police had been forced to use tear gas and rubber bullets against demonstrators. However, the area where we lived was calm during the night and we slept well.

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    31. Mai 2020 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    When waking up we had yet another day lf driving in front of us. This day, however, we only had about 3h of driving. Before leaving Sacramento we checked out the Capitol Building in daylight. We arrived to Monterey at around 3, which is the earliest we’ve arrived to a new place during this roadtrip. We were happy to have some more time so we chilled a bit in the room before going down to the harbor. When walking around we started hearing strange noises, what sounded like seals. We followed the noise and discovered Monterey has a lot of sea lions and seals swimming and sunbathing in the area. After walking around in the cosy Fisherman’s Wharf we went back to the motel to shower and book accommodation for the last days. In the evening we went back to the harbor to have dinner. We both had a fried combo basket, which included fries, fried calamari, shrimp and fish. It was veeery delicious, and a lot. Afterwards, we enjoyed a soft ice, one with chocolate and one with sprinkles. We definitely needed a chill day like this after an intense schedule so far.
    Today we drove a total of 3,5h and 290km.
    Next stop: Santa Maria.

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    Santa Maria

    1. Juni 2020 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Driving from Monterey to Santa Maria along the Pacific Coast Highway 1, was on our schedule today. At the beginning of the day it was a bit cloudy but luckily it turned around noon. We stopped at several places along the coast, for example at a cove. We also drove over the Bixby Creek Bridge and stopped at a beach filled with elephant seals. We watched them fight with each other and flip sand while resting at the beach. We had lunch around 1pm and arrived in Santa Maria at around 6pm. We quickly searched for a place where we could have dinner, and this day we decided to have Cuban food. It was very good and we both got food coma after it, so we chilled for the rest of the evening with some netflix.
    We drove 7h in total and 780mi (290km).
    Next stop: Santa Barbara, Malibu, and Long Beach.

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    Santa Barbara, Malibu, Long Beach

    2. Juni 2020 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    On the last day of our roadtrip, our first stop on the schedule was Santa Barbara. It was a very nice and sunny day and quite hot. We had some very good burgers with sweet potato fries in the center of Santa Barbara - a cute city with good vibes and a nice city center. After a quick shopping break we continued towards Malibu. The beach houses there were really impressive and showed us the wealth of the people living there, with a nice ocean view and exclusive accesses to the beach. No wonder, that many celebrities have a house in this area. We stopped at Point Dume to take a picture of a filming location of Planet of the apes (which was not easy to reach). Not sure about the rules of the curfew which was set for 6pm in Los Angeles and Long Beach, we left Malibu at around 5:30pm. Fortunately, we had no problems to get back home to Long Beach. As we drove through Long Beach, it was quite empty in the streets though and we saw a lot of police cars (also unmarked cars) and the national guard. After such a long trip we were happy to be back again, to stay at one place and finally wash our clothes. We finished the day with pasta and enjoyed to not have to get up early again the next day.
    We are very very glad that we did this roadtrip. We saw so many beautiful places, escaped the stress of corona, had good experiences and had a nice time all in all.
    For the fact nerds:
    - Days on the road : 15
    - Distance traveled: 4080 Miles (6566km)
    - Hours spend on driving: +80hrs
    - States traveled through: 6 - California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming
    - Photos taken: too many
    - Fun factor: 105%
    - Experiences: priceless