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  • Day 3

    Finger Lakes

    May 7 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    I rode from Adirondacks into the Finger Lakes. I find the Finger Lakes area to be particularly beautiful, which I did not truly appreciate when I was a college student there! I had to stop at a Best Buy in Utica to get a Kindle because I forgot mine. Have to be able to READ! Stopped in Auburn NY to see the Harriet Tubman home. She lived there and continued her freedom work for many years. She completed 13 Underground Railroad Round Trips. Each one was 800 miles. These were done on foot! Whoa. I continued onto Canandaigua, which upon my arrival, I realized I had a tooth abscess. My worst nightmare realized. Got an appointment the next morning (May 8th). It was pretty bad with a broken root and it had to be pulled. Oy. Not pretty, but I feel so relieved. I was able to continue onto Pennsylvania (Allegheny State Forest). Will post more on that tomorrow. I have no internet or cell where I am staying so it might be delayed.Read more