Moto Trip 2

May - June 2024
This is part two of my cross country motorcycle trip. Part 1 was in 2019. I am fully retired now, so I can cover the states that I did not go to on Part 1 and revisit some of the areas that I did not get to spend enough time in! Read more
Currently traveling
  • 20footprints
  • 1countries
  • 45days
  • 155photos
  • 1videos
  • 2.8kmiles
  • Day 2

    Day 1 and 2 VT to Adirondacks

    May 6 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    I left Vermont in a cold 47 degrees and rain. Nancy escorted me to the Thruway. She went south and I went North. 😢 Was a pretty damn cold ride but nothing a hot shower and a good cuppa tea couldn’t fix! Traveled to the Adirondacks and am staying in Speculator, NY on Lake Pleasant. Day 2 was beautiful. Did a short 2 mile hike and kayaked on the lake. Walked around town and went to the best general store ever, Charlie Johns Store. Tomorrow I’m heading to the Finger Lakes.Read more

  • Day 3

    Finger Lakes

    May 7 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    I rode from Adirondacks into the Finger Lakes. I find the Finger Lakes area to be particularly beautiful, which I did not truly appreciate when I was a college student there! I had to stop at a Best Buy in Utica to get a Kindle because I forgot mine. Have to be able to READ! Stopped in Auburn NY to see the Harriet Tubman home. She lived there and continued her freedom work for many years. She completed 13 Underground Railroad Round Trips. Each one was 800 miles. These were done on foot! Whoa. I continued onto Canandaigua, which upon my arrival, I realized I had a tooth abscess. My worst nightmare realized. Got an appointment the next morning (May 8th). It was pretty bad with a broken root and it had to be pulled. Oy. Not pretty, but I feel so relieved. I was able to continue onto Pennsylvania (Allegheny State Forest). Will post more on that tomorrow. I have no internet or cell where I am staying so it might be delayed.Read more

  • Day 4

    From Windy NYS to Waterless Warren,PA

    May 8 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

    I arrived in Northwestern PA on Wednesday after motoring through the Southern Tier of NYS. It was super windy which apparently is a thing there as I saw many wind turbines. I had no idea. Plays a stark contrast to Warren, PA where there is a United Oil refinery. NY 1, PA 0.
    They own Kwik Fill gas stations. The one NEXT TO the refinery was charging $3.81 a gallon. Jeez.

    The surrounding area is beautiful however - Allegheny National Forest. Did a fantastic hike there today. I saw a man and not a bear. Which is just as well! The man was a US Forest employee doing work on the trail and was a nice chap! I’m staying in a VERY RUSTIC cabin and the water crapped out. Was able to treat the nearby water from a creek for my morning coffee (Got to have that!). I have both filtration and UV. Water is my thing 🙂
    Tomorrow I’m off to Pittsburgh, where water and internet work! Yeah. My dental situation is healing well. ❤️
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  • Day 6


    May 10 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    I arrived in Pittsburgh and am staying at a sweet place (Mexican War Streets district) which is centrally located by the Allegheny Commons park and within walking distance of most. This is a very nice City. The ballparks and Steelers Stadium are right downtown, and the city is pedestrian and bike friendly. I like how everything is so accessible. I have covered a lot of ground here. Went to a Pirates-Cubs game on Friday and the Pittsburgh Parrot sat with me! Saturday, I visited the National Aviary, the Andy Warhol Museum, Point State Park, the Duquesne Incline (built in 1877) and the Strip District Terminal. My feet hurt but it was really great. Tomorrow I go to West Virginia.Read more

  • Day 9–13

    Wooly in West Virginia

    May 13 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    I traveled from Pittsburgh on Sunday to Ripley, WV. It finally warmed up to about 70 so I could shed 2 layers of clothes on the Bike. What a relief! I came down 79 and 77 interstates through Wheeling and then onto Route 7 on the Ohio side of the Ohio River. It’s a scenic byway and was quite pretty (with the exception of 2 large coal burning power plants on the West Virginia side)! I am in Ripley to attend a rug hooking class. Some of you know I do traditional rug making (hooking) using 100% wool strips (not yarn). Yes, I’m a hooker! And proud of it. I’ve attached a few photos of rugs I have made and the one that I am working on in this class (a geometric). My teacher is Gail Dufresne, who is also my teacher in New Jersey, where I attend classes with my friend Michele Litwack. Staying at the Cedar Lakes Conference Center which is campy in a very wonderful way! Campy, but with a hotel room with water, cable and internet! Heaven.Read more

  • Day 13


    May 17 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    I arrived in Cincinnati on Friday, May 17th and Nancy flew in to meet me! So happy to see her. We stayed at a lovely carriage house in Mt Adam’s neighborhood. We had an action packed day on Saturday walking the City. It featured a visit to the Krohn Conservatory (plants and butterflies!), a delicious lunch at Pepp and Delores, a riverboat cruise , and an evening at the Cincinnati Music Hall. The musical program was not great but the hall was fantastic. Today we go to West Lafayette, Indiana and will see our Nephew, Daniel.Read more

  • Day 16

    Indianapolis and Chicago

    May 20 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    After Cincinnati, I rode with Nancy to West Lafayette, IN. Thankfully no Rain! But it was HOT into the upper 80s. Our nephew, Daniel Meltzer, lives there and it was so great to see him. We had delicious Korean Food, hung out at his apartment and saw where he works. He is a biomedical engineer and we are so proud of him! The morning of the 20th I headed to Chicago. It was only a 2 hour ride, but a bit crazy at the tolls on Route 90. I have an EZ Pass on the Moto but it wasn’t registering and then I had to fiddle with a credit card and the font on the pay machine was so small - couldn’t read it! There are cars piling up behind me! Finally I pressed the HELP button and got a human, who was very human and remotely raised the barrier. Right as I got into Chicago, a deluge with hail came, which of course was never noted by my weather app, That was fun. Finally made it! Had a great dinner with my cousin Pete, who dubbed it the “Banchan Assault”. It was amazing. My Air BnB was in the Albany Park/Lincoln Square area. It was really lovely and they provided a bike! It was a very old Trek with funky gearing. Thankfully it’s flat here, but a stiff headwind at times. I rode about 20 miles just seeing all the different neighborhoods, spent the late morning on the beach on Lake Michigan and then rode to Margie’s Candies. This fantastic place that has kick ass sundaes and been there a 100 years (literally). Tuesday night we went to a Cubs-Braves game. Pete is an avid Braves fan. I had never been to Wrigley Field so it was a special treat. Was great to catch up with Pete and tour Chicago. It’s a really great City.Read more

  • Day 18


    May 22 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    As I enter the plains states, there will be more riding (and Advil!) and less sightseeing, so bear with me for this part. My big target is to get to Missoula Montana area by the 29th. I will also be doing more camping and cellular might be hit or miss! I will be camping for 2 nights in Chadron, NE where I will be doing a long hard training hike for my backpacking trip in Glacier NP in early June. I have carried 22 lbs for 6 miles but need to go up to 25 lbs for 7-8 miles. If I can do that, I will feel ready!

    I camped last night in Palisade-Kepler State Park near Cedar Rapids Iowa. It was quite nice and they had a nice 3 mile hike along the Cedar River. This wooded landscape does not represent most of Iowa, which is mostly corn growing and wind energy. It has been quite windy (I know - it’s the Plains) which adds to fatigue when riding but so far so good. Thankfully it’s been SUNNY and warm!

    Oh and I think I have escaped the cicada assault. I did see one on the outside of my tent, but they are not completely emerged in Iowa. Phew!Iowa has had some rough weather in the past week with tornados in Greenfield 😢.
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  • Day 20


    May 24 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    I left Onawa, Iowa where I spent the night at a motel. I was supposed to camp but there were very strong winds and then a crazy storm blew in overnight. Today 5/24, I rode to Bassett, Nebraska. It was another windy day, but mostly sunny. It was in the low 60s so it was a heated glove day! Nebraska is wide open and pretty in its own way. Lots and lots of Beef cattle. They were grass grazing. Didn’t see feedlots. I came across Route 20 which is a historic coast to coast route which goes from Boston to Seattle. It’s a two lane road. Bassett, NE, population 528 sits at the midpoint of Route 20. It’s the county seat. Nice little town and had a nice grocery store! Tomorrow I head to Chadron to camp for two days in the Nebraska State Forest.Read more

  • Day 21

    Wyoming Via Nebraska

    May 25 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Hey friends! I was camping for a few days in the Nebraska State Forest (NW part) and the cell service was scant. From my last post from Bassett, NE I continued along Route 20 for 200 miles and camped for two nights in the State Forest Campground. For you bicycle enthusiasts, Nebraska has close to 300 miles of rail trail that parallels Route 20. I saw one poor soul trying to battle THAT headwind which was relentless! There was another party heading east (smart). For me, the wind finally died down as I neared Chadron, NE. Had a great time camping and made a lot of friends: A young couple from IOWA who were birding, three retired long distance truck drivers on motorcycles, and a lovely couple from TN. People are very friendly. The hiking was beautiful. I did a training hike with a full pack (25 lbs) at 4000 foot elevation. It went pretty well. I could feel the elevation somewhat. I did 6 miles and My goal was 7. Will try again! I rode 285 miles today from Nebraska, through parts of South Dakota into Wyoming. After a long day, I just landed in Buffalo, WY where I am staying in a nice cabin and will be searching for steak soon! Off to Montana tomorrow.Read more