  • Dag 10

    Choco Story Paris!!

    11. november 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    What??!! A Chocolate Museum??!! And who said Paris isn't for kids??!! Today we visited Choco Story Paris! A chocolate museum with All You Can Eat Chocolate! That's right....All You Can Eat....dark, milk, eat! This place was fantastic.

    Our morning started with some strange communication with our landlord. Yesterday he contacted us with a request to enter the apartment...he needed to grab something. He visited while we weren't there. He contacted us again this morning with another request to enter the apartment for some maintenance issues. We ran into him as we were leaving this morning and I had an interesting conversation. It turns out that he is selling the apartment and is showing it to potential buyers!! We aren't comfortable with this arrangement as he has now requested that we leave the apartment during certain 5 hour durations! This is our first apartment rental and it is not going well. There are no garbage bags, no dish towels, no dish detergent for the dishwasher, no toilet paper...and the list goes on. I don't know about you, but when I travel overseas, I don't pack a weeks worth of toilet paper and garbage bags! And if I'm paying for use of a place....I want full access to it....any day.....any time. The washing machine apparently is broken and needs to be fixed. I'm not comfortable with this. We'll see what he says when he gets back to us.

    Back to the Chocolate Museum! First, we stopped for crepes...everyone else had nutella banana crepes....I tried the savoury one....the salad one...low and behold...a salad with french fries in it! A nice healthy breakfast for a nice healthy food day! HA! We took the subway this morning as part of our adventure. The girls loved the train. Traveling with kids is challenging....travelling with kids in Paris is even more challenging! Aside from no change tables, there aren't many public washrooms either....and none in the subway area! We were looking around...obviously looking lost, trying to find a washroom for Morgan. A couple of people stopped to ask if we needed assistance (something we were told would never happen in Paris), directed us to a street where we were directed to a cafe, where someone finally welcomed us, for free, gave us a token, sent us to the basement where we deposited the token into a slot (similar to an arcade game) to unlock the stall door, and voila!!...finally....une toilette! A slight delay....but we were soon on track again....back to the subway....lets find the Chocolate Museum!

    We arrived and were greeted with free chocolate before even paying admission, handed a children's Playmobil scavenger hunt, and were guided into the land of tummy aches! It was a great day....I'm not sure who ate the most...Aston or me! We had limited Aston's intake, but it seemed like every time we turned around, someone....yes, random people....were offering more chocolate to our toddler. It was an interesting day, learning about chocolate, seeing the old containers and labels, finishing off with amazing works of art...all made out of chocolate....and making chocolate stars with a ganache center! By the end, not even Morgan wanted another bite of chocolate...and none of us could finish the delicious Mexican hot chocolate on the way out. A fun way to spend a rainy day!!

    We rode the subway back, but not without adventure...of course! As we were looking at the map, trying to determine the best way to get back to the apartment, without hesitation....Aston exploded! Yes...exploded!...all over the subway floor! We looked around for something to clean it up with...but unfortunately, no public washrooms also means no paper towels. I guess she reached her chocolate limit!! Parenting fail #157...too much chocolate!

    The crazy amount of second hand smoke in the air has been taking a toll on Morgan's asthma. She's had a couple of attacks, so we're taking it easy tonight....relaxing in the apartment. But don't worry....we found some more treats to eat (none for the sleeping baby!)!! Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring!
    Les mer