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  • Day 21


    May 16 in Croatia ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Today was a long, fun day exploring Split! Yesterday it was such a nightmare trying to drive from there to where we were staying I thought I am only doing that again once! But this morning it was a much nicer drive (and we ended up coming home much later than yesterday so the traffic wasn’t bad) so we might go explore more another day. We shall see!

    First up was a climb up to the viewpoint on the hill. There is a giant park that is a big hill that we parked next to and it said there were 314 steps to the viewpoint, but I swear there were not that many! It took two seconds and we were up there! It was a nice view, but it was so overcast and SUPER windy! I had been debating what to wear as it was supposed to get hot, but be windy all day, so I went with a t-shirt and shorts instead of my sleeveless dress thinking I would probably regret it, but I was so glad I did! I ended up wearing my light sweater all day as it was not very hot!

    After the viewpoint we wandered to town and spied on the market and got some dried figs to try since they are everywhere - pretty tasty! Then a wander through old town looking at all the things (and all the kitties!) . We did get lunch out at this vegan place which was really tasty, and wandered around picking up treats to have for dinner and snacks for the next few days - some empanadas which were delicious, some Croatian cakes and baked goods, all the things!

    We also tried three different flavors of gelato from two different places and they were all so so so good! Definitely the best of the trip, maybe some of the best ever! First was pistachio which yum! It was so creamy and slightly salty with the sweet and I loved it! Then I had seen a lemon lavender and was curious so asked and it was vegan so of course I had to try it! Also super tasty and on a hot day would be so refreshing! Then one place has vegan dark chocolate which looked black so again had to try it and oh it was delicious! As good as our favorite place back home, which we have never found before! If we go back another day to explore the park more we might have to get some more gelato from these two places!

    Finally we wandered back to the car along the waterfront which was nice, but just a marina so no beaches unlike everywhere else we have been to. Oh well, there are beaches at the big park.

    Overall it was a pretty good day. We were out way longer than we expected, but we had a lot of fun. We both agreed that Split is not as nice as the other places further south we have been to, but it is fun. Once we got out of old town and were where the people live (and I noticed all the bakeries and such only had things written in Croatian) I enjoyed it more. Still pretty hard to beat some of the earlier stops.
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