Almost in Mexico

We're picking up hand sanitizer to take to Miami. We're RIGHT NEXT TO the border patrol station!! I don't think they allow puppies in there. Well maybe they do. Good sniffers like me, I mean. But thatWeiterlesen
We're picking up hand sanitizer to take to Miami. We're RIGHT NEXT TO the border patrol station!! I don't think they allow puppies in there. Well maybe they do. Good sniffers like me, I mean. But thatWeiterlesen
My people are anxious because the things that are being loaded into the trailer are labeled hazmat, and neither of my people are certified to drive that around. I don't know what's happening, I'm aWeiterlesen
My people are ok to take this load. I don't feel good. I threw up on the floor.
I've said it before, and I was not wrong. Texas is so big! Maybe I'll get a special breakfast for being sick yesterday. I think I'm feeling better now, and could handle a special breakfast. Maybe withWeiterlesen
We're at a pooping place, and there are danger plants here. They have big spikes. We're trying to figure out how to take some for clyde. Clyde likes danger plant.
A little over 100 miles to go before my people are going to stop for something tasty. I hope I get something tasty, too.
We were still in Louisiana. I had a rough night. All I wanted to do was play, but no one wanted to play with me. Not even clyde. I got a good bone, though. Not one from the eating place, but an evenWeiterlesen
On the move! We stopped at this awesome little grass area for play! Not too much play, though. We have a deadline!
I've never been here before. My person says I have to make this a quick stop, and then I'll have all the outside time I want soon. I can't wait!