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  • Day 18


    February 18 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I soon learned that Wat Tam Wua attracts quite a lot of foreign spiritual tourists, which made the experience rather busy and loud compared to the previous temple I was at. I didn't have the chance to go so deep into myself and my practice as at the other place.

    There were quite a few rituals throughout the day. Offering of food to the monks, who following the 227 precepts, they can't serve themselves. Guided meditations, with all the mamdatory postrations (buddhism is the national belief system, and it is all rather culturally ritualised with lots of rules of respect to the buddha - but funnily not so much real practicing). Anyhow... It was different.

    Regardless, everything has its good side, and adjusting, learnt to apply mindfulness more outside of sitting practice.
    I also met some lovely people.

    My little israeli roomie got us beds in the downstairs dorm. Wooden beds, with no mattresses. The only advantage was less people, and more space.
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