  • 日148

    Margaret River

    2018年4月1日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Hello! Happy Easter!
    Sorry I haven't put anything on here for so long....we've were camped out in a national park with no reception for 10 days and now we're at a 'working farm' campground and there's no reception here either.
    To be honest we haven't really enjoyed Margaret River - the campground was shit and so far from anything - full of mozzies and black sand so the kids were filthy as was the van and we didn't have access to a shower so each night I'd try and give them a birdy bath but everyone was still filthy...Alby got worms for the 6th time since we've been away, I've been doing everything I can and making sure he washed his hands before he eats, wash everything ( which sucks when I've just washed everything amd then have to re-wash at $4 a load - but it's a viscous cycle.

    There was beached whales (150) and we saw a few of them, that was so sad. There were shark bike out of some of them too.

    So, we managed to beg enough to stay at the 'farm stay' as everything on the south west coast get completely booked out over easter long weekend, I called all over trying to find somewhere to stay and we were panicking as there was literally nothing at all anywhere! Max had a friend who lived here for 10 months so we dropped his name and they relented and gave us a spot. It's completely packed with families, the kids are all in their groups and decide whether they like Mav or not depending on their mood, he's been in tears a few times as they tell him to go away, your not in our gang anymore etc, one kid stood over Alby the other night and made him hand over his glow stick, poor Alby was inconsolable and we tracked down the little shit and made him give it back! So as you can see, I'm hating all the kids now - Max says it's my hormones which I agree with but I can't get our of this grumpy funk 😂
    To top it off, they have heaps of guinea pigs here - Max was with Alby yesterday morning cuddling a cute fluffy one when it started to slip off his lap....he gently went to scoop it up and the bugger attacked him, sinking its beaver like teeth into his finger. He bolted back to the van with his hand covered in blood, screaming his head off. We ended having to take him to hospital to get it cleaned and dressed and he's now on antibiotics. Luckily they get a tetanus vaccination with their immunisations. Safe to say we haven't been back to the guinea pigs.
    We were asked to donate Easter eggs to their annual egg hunt this morning, all the big kids had massive baskets and their joggers on ready to crush the little kids. I was dreading it thinking our boys would be trampled and find nothing but they separated the big kids from the younger ones and at the end, all the found eggs were put in a massive tub and shared equally between the kids ( max pocketed some just in case they missed out ). The boys loved it!

    I've been feeling nauseous and super tired this whole time so I'm not the best company at the moment, hence my quite negative writing 😬, also I'm just really ready to come home. We've been doing huge hours in the car, the kids have peaked and Max admitted he has too. If we go home around the top end, it'll be around 90 hours of driving but if we go home from here it's half that time.
    We've decided to start heading home from here. It'll take a few weeks but we're very ready to go. Not looking forward to spending all that time in the car but it's worth it!