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  • Day 21

    Day 20

    February 28 in Australia ⋅ 🌩️ 40 °C

    938 kms to Wentworth
    Next town: Wilcannia

    Super hot today. I think it reached 44 degrees in Wilcannia and it sure felt like it on the river.
    Had a group of 15 to 20 pelicans with me today. I would approach them from behind and they would take flight and settle back on the river a kilometre or so downstream. When I caught up to them ten minutes later, the process was repeated. This happened basically the entire day. I know how much energy big birds like pelicans need to get in the air, but they didn't seem perturbed about the process. It was like having an escort!
    So few campsites along the river in this area and was thinking I would have to camp on top of the riverbank. An absolutely perfect one came up about 5.30pm. Phew!
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