nu går vi! (let‘s go)

Right now we‘re waiting for our flight to Düsseldorf were we take our connecting flight to Stockholm. The airport is empty, bearly any travelers are waiting, it’s amazing😅
Right now we‘re waiting for our flight to Düsseldorf were we take our connecting flight to Stockholm. The airport is empty, bearly any travelers are waiting, it’s amazing😅
The entire city was like dead, bearly and noises or any humans. Only us and the lights. It was so nice to take such a quiet evening walk in the fresh air. 💫🌙
After we had some complications with the booking for our rental car.. we finally left Stockholm with 1 hour delay. We drove on the E4, their highway along yellow birches and lakes. In the afternoon itRead more
We walked past the visitor center directly towards the waterfall, the little murmur we already heard. A nice waterfall in the woods. There were a lot of bushes and stones and some yellow birches andRead more
Döda Fallet.. means „dead waterfall“. It’s a nice walk around a dead river and the stones with pieces of history ect. We saw some tiny lakes and later the river. We had a slippery but funRead more
Today we drove nearly 400km and about 6.5hours. And we are in Lappland now!
At the end it very exhausting because all the roads were only covered with snow.. especially difficult it got when it gotRead more
We actually wanted to visit Akkavare Tower but we kinda missed it.. But it was not a terrible desaster because the walked trough a nearly untouched fir forest. It was like walking on the edge of theRead more
It’s like driving towards the edge of the world. Bearly any cars, any sounds.. just us, our car ad the endless road. We were driving along thousands of fir trees, birches, river, lakes and bushesRead more