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  • Gün 4

    The perfect diet...🤔😂

    11 Mayıs, Portekiz ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

    We'd decided to leave a little earlier today as we had beds booked at the albergue in Aguçadoura which would be released if we weren't there by 1500. As today's walk equalled yesterday's (22km), we reckoned 5 or so hours of walking at a gentle pace, plus 2 for rest stops, would be just about right. So we left our lovely accommodation in Labruge at 0800 and, rather than heading back to the coast, joined the route just 100m from the accommodation. Confusingly, that was the coastal route, even though it wasn't on the coast! We're actually walking as much as we can on the Littoral route, i.e. right next to the North Atlantic. Hope that makes sense!
    A quick visit to the church to light a candle for Nigel (well, at the feet of St James on the mini roundabout!), miss him and think some happy thoughts about him, and we were on our way. The sun was out, but it wasn't hot, and was really good walking weather. The road surface was cobbles for much of the first part of our walk, and we passed lots of farmland, but we kept up a good pace and were looking forward to a first/second breakfast (I'd already had a bread roll from last night's supper) when a very nice man (a very very nice man!) asked us if we'd like some bread! He was the travelling bread van man and wanted to treat us 🤗. How could we say no?!! So we chose a bread roll each, thanked him profusely, and nibbled (scoffed in my case!) our lovely, freshly baked rolls as we walked into Mindello, where we stopped for a coffee/coke. We couldn't face a second/third breakfast so, apart from a good rest for our feet, that was it, and we were off towards Vila do Condo. We'd got thoroughly lost here 5 years ago so it was good to be able to point some other pilgrims in the right direction 😂. We stopped for a coke at a posh cocktail bar, Sid tried to dive headfirst into mine, and then we were off again. It's great being able to stop whenever you please, but today we were aware that we had to be at our destination by 1500, or we'd be stuffed!😂
    From VdC we walked uphill and inland for a bit, then back down to the seaside at Povoa de Varzim where we stopped for 'lunch' - our first proper gelato - and a large one at that. It was delicious, of course, and hopefully the first of many.
    From here, we walked the Littoral route all the way to Aguçadoura. As well as being next to the sea, it was incredibly windy! Amazingly so. But at least it wasn't raining.
    We found our accommodation at the albergue with about 10 minutes to spare 👏👏👏 which was good as we saw a few pilgrims turned away! After a shower and some sock washing, it was time for a bimble around Aguçadoura and a trip to the church which, for such a small town, is absolutely massive. The obligatory Camino beer followed, then a trip to the mercardo for tonight's supper - sardines 😋😂. So our diet today has been varied and not really very healthy, but delicious all the same!😄
    We climbed into our (top) bunks - ouch - at 1935 and will be here until the snorers, farters and/or coughers wake us up. Either that or the early risers! Well, unless we're the guilty ones...
    23km tomorrow and hoping not to get wet, although we will be headfirst into that blinkin' wind!
    Oh, and I have a blister. A BIG one (not).😱 Where's our Jan when you need her?😂😂
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