  • Dzień 6

    Rainy San Pedro

    5 marca 2016, Gwatemala ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    This morning me and two American guys explored the lake by kayak. You can rent them here on every corner and you don't have to be a bargaining genius to get them for only 2€ per hour. Probably you could achieve even a lower price, but in the end I feel bad to complain about prices that are already that low. We followed the route recommended by the rental to a beach on the other side of the lake, but it turned out that it wasn't a really nice place, so we headed back pretty soon. It also was better like that, since it started to get cold and to rain a bit (on the other hand, we were already wet anyway). However, it was really nice to see the landscape from another perspective.
    When we got back to the hostel, first of all we wanted to shower of the disgusting lake water (people wash her laundry here and there must also be any other kinds of dirt in there). Afterwards we still had time to grab some of the hostels Saturday brunch.
    The rest of the day I spent in the hostel, as in the afternoon the rain got really heavily and I didn't really take a trip to the village Panajachel in that weather.
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