South East Asia

Februari - Jun 2024
Pengembaraan terbuka oleh Sam Baca lagi
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  • Hari 31

    Day 31

    7 Mac, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C


    After a much need lie in, we moved out stuff downstairs to a shared dorm after a nice night in a private room. We didn't have much of a plan for the day so we headed out in search of somewhere to do our washing. We chuck our stuff in and head for breakfast. After a smoothie and some chicken and rice, we put our clothes on to dry and Alfie went for a haircut whilst I chilled at the hostel. With a much better trim than Daisy left him with, we picked up our washing, then headed to a local park by suggestion of our hostel owner.

    We had realised that staying in the Old Town meany that there wasn't alot to do, most tourists went to Patong as there were beaches and a bit more of an atmosphere but to be honest I didn't mind too much. The 3rd task (after washing and haircut) that we needed to do was to book our island tour for the Phi Phi Islands tomorrow. I say we but in all reality Alfie had already found the tour and booked it so I just sat there and agreed. Whilst he was doing this I had to record a short speech for why I wanted to be social sec next year in mountainairing. I would like to say this was quick and easy and I got it first try but that was not the case. After getting over the initial hurdle of talking to a camera I must have repeated it 10 times before I finally got a take that Iiked. Alfie, however, didn't so another 10 takes and I got one we were both happy with.

    We took a walk around the park, which seemed to be Phuket's running park - as evening came in runners flocked to running in circles around the lake. Next to us, this dude set up an industrial sound system then started singing his heart out - maybe to encourage the runners? This park also had 2 giant dinosaur models which I thought were awesome - Alfie wasn't as impressed. After forcing him to take my picture we went on our merry way to our next destination - a viewpoint on top of a hill.

    I wish we had rented a scooter as it would have made our journey alot shorter. 1 hill with a shitty footpath later we had made it to the viewpoint at the top overlooking Phuket with the Big Buddha statue sitting in the distance on a hill. I grab a smoothie and Alfie grabs a coconut and after getting attacked by bugs for a while we sat and enjoyed the view and the sunset (it was too cloudy for a good view) whilst some monkeys messed about on nearby cars.

    We head to grab some food at the Indy Market again and then head to sleep ready for our tour tomorrow.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 32

    Day 32

    8 Mac, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Phi Phi Islands

    Honestly today was kind of a blur as I was exhausted and felt a bit ill all day so I'm gonna keep it short.

    Got some breakfast from 7/11 then got picked up from our hostel and headed to the port where we met out guide. Our boat was half English and half Russian guide so we definitely had a diverse group of people - most of which definitely weren't our age. After a long boat journey we arrive at Viking Cave and Phi Leh Bay. It was a nice view but the water was filled with so many exact same boats as ours. We did some swimming in a small section was okay but helped wake me up a tad.

    We then went to Maya Bay - famous for being in the movie "The Beach" which I had never heard of. It was a lovely bay but you couldn't swim in the water and was filled with 100s of people getting the exact same selfie for their Instagrams. We then headed to Phi Phi Don - the main island where people stayed filled with loads of hotels and restaurants. We walked a few minutes for a buffet lunch which I'm sure was okay but I had a serious lack of appetite so felt like I was force feeding myself. As I sat there I felt something on my foot, I kicked my foot and eventually it came off. I looked down to see what it was and to my horror it was a HUGE COCKROACH. Immediately I put my feet up on my chair and wanted to leave as soon as I could. I laid on the beach before we boarded our boat again and covered in sand, we headed to see Monkey Beach from afar.

    Our final stop was Khai Nok Island with a similar vibe to where we had been so far, beautiful and busy. I laid on the beach like a corpse wanting to be back at our hostel as soon as possible before washing the sand off in the small designated swimming area - passing a group of women singing half submerged - very odd. We make our way back to Phuket then driven back to our hostel. The day was okay, I'm sure me feeling terrible didn't help but I probably wouldn't do it again - even in sunnier weather. Special shoutout to the dickhead I had to sit next to on the boat the whole day (not Alfie) who insisted on spreading his legs as much as he could as often as he could.

    When we got back at 6pm I pretty much showered and got to bed straight away - opting for some snacks from 7-11 instead of dinner.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 33

    Day 33

    9 Mac, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    Phuket > Bangkok

    We woke up, I had a smoothie for breakfast, and then we checked out. We then realised we had absolutely nothing better to do than to sit in the cool lobby until we needed to head to the airport. After grabbing a small lunch of garlic bread (literally garlic and butter on white bread) and spring rolls we ordered a grab and headed towards the airport. The driver was on facetime to his wife the whole journey but it was a nice comfortable cool SUV so no complaints from me. We arrive and the driver gave all his change to us as he didn't have enough to break a 1000 bill then we headed inside.

    We check in Alfie's bag where the dude upgraded our seats to the emergency row and we headed towards security. Not having enough time to sort my bag beforehand I awkwardly try and get all my liquids and electronics sorted before heading through the scanner. Unfortunately, my suncream and aloe vera were too big and had to be axed. After forgetting my phone in my pocket, we explored the small domestic lobby of the airport, with the emptiest airport I had ever seen. With a strange red bannered Subway and a weird assortment of shops. We chilled for an hour before boarding started.

    I don't know why but we were in boarding in Zone C which meant we got to board first. We had decided that Zone C people we simply built different, the go getters of the airport, the real rise and grinders. Upon getting on the plane, my extra legroom seat was actually and extra extra legroom seat, with no seat infront of me atall. With absolutely nothing stopping me or my legs I enjoyed the little luxury. One downside is that my tray was about 2m infront of me and impossible to reach. Luckily, our super fancy high tech seats had trays inbuilt into the arm rest. I was truly living the poor man's first class. A short plane ride later and we land back in Bangkok. Feeling deja vu from 30 days before, it was extremely weird that Thailand was already almost done with.

    We get Alfie's bag, hop on the metro and take our ride to the last stop. A short walk in the lovely Bangkok pollution and we were meant to hop on another metro line that took us close to our hostel. Unfortunately, I cannot read and Google lied to me as it was a bus line instead. Seeing almost no difference in the ETA, I deicde we should walk the 50 minutes - something that I'm not sure Alfie was totally on board with. One sweaty walk later we make it to our hostel near Khao San Road and check in. Our hostel had a very strange vibe, being both quite nice arty place and a shit hole.

    It was now time for some food. After 1 month in Thailand having beautiful Thai cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner - it was time to have 1 last proper Thai meal. Naturally we head to Domino's and order a large Hawian pizza to share. I know what you're gonna say - not only did I not go for a classic Pad Thai but I didn't even go for a Thai flavoured pizza? That's right, I have no regrets, it was one of the cheapest pizza and I have been craving some Western comfort food so leave me alone.

    We then head to 7-11 for some Western drinks - Alfie going for coke and me opting for Fanta. We then head to our hostel, shower and head to bed. Alfie then knocks on my curtain and says that something had leaked all over his shoes and socks and gave me a sopping wet sock to feel. Laughing at him I close my curtain and leave him to deal with the consequences.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 34

    Day 34

    10 Mac, Kemboja ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

    Bangkok > Siem Reap

    We woke up nice and early (this is becoming a habit now) and checked in for our bus. After filling out our immigration slips we went to 7-11 for a super healthy breakfast of a toastie and chocolate, with some snacks in the reserve. Our host / stewardess / whatever you call it was a lovely girl called Alex who was very clear about what the process of the day was gonna look like, especially with the border crossing & VISAs.

    It was about 10am by the time that we stopped at our first stop to pick up lunch - way too early for it but we met someone on our bus who just so happened to have graduated from Uni of Bath last year. What are the chances of that? We board back on and on the way to the border Alfie points out a couple "armed vehicles" going the opposite way (they were definitely tanks). When we get there the process was super simple - we were even given a lanyard with a map on. We get stamped out of Thailand, wait a bit in international waters before getting stamped into Cambodia with our eVISAs.

    Back on the bus, we make our way towards Siem Reap and arrive a few hours later. It was quite a long journey but that bus had free WiFi so I kept myself pretty occupied on YouTube for the whole journey. When we arrive, we hop off and head 10 minutes towards our hostel - being offered about 1 million TukTuks on the way. We check in and pay the ridiculously cheap rates for a bed (less than 4 pounds!?), sort our stuff and go out and about for a quick explore.

    We were a tad early for the night markets and some dude started chatted to me whilst Alfie was getting food. Turns out he ran a school for underprivileged kids and I ended up not having a choice but donating. Not really understanding the new currencies (they used both Riel and US Dollars) I ended up giving him 20,000 Riel which might sound like alot but was less than 4 Pounds. I brought some more suncream after being robbed at the airport, and we head to "Pub Street" and grab a 75 cents glass of Cambodian beer before heading back to our hostel.

    Alfie ends up calling his mum by the pool, where I head out and down the river for a "quick" Mother's Day call. 2 hours later I call my sister and we catch up before I grab some dinner. For some reason the Riverside Market has loads of cheap food but the chairs and tables are made for toddlers. Feeling like a giant I ate my first Cambodian meal and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I head back to the hostel, shower, shave, and try to sleep whilst 2 Spanish girls (probably thinking they were being quiet) chatted away at a normal volume at midnight a couple beds away.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 35

    Day 35

    11 Mac, Kemboja ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C


    After living the 2 wheeled life in Thailand, it was time to mix it up. 2 wheels but no engine it was time for some cycling. After some waffles for breakfast (barely anywhere was open) we went to a local rental place and got a couple mountain bikes. It was either mountain bikes or a city rider - unfortunately no road bikes. I got mine for 3 days whilst Alfie got his for only 1, meaning I paid 4 bucks per day whilst he paid 5. Not wanting to leave our passports behind as a deposit we went to an ATM and got some money out and then we were good to go. With our bikes, helmets and locks we headed towards the Angkor site.

    Angkor is famous for Angkor Wat but the whole area has many Temples and buildings from the 8th to 15th century. People spend many days exploring the area so we brought a 3 day ticket and decided to check out some of the other Temples as we were waiting for Daisy to arrive before we went to Angkor Wat.

    Cycling past Angkor Wat's busy looking entrance we head further North and enter the Southern Gate of the large walls that enclose lots of ruins - with the Bayon Temple standing in the centre. Walking around the ruins was amazing. So many of the bricks had collapsed and a slow restoration project was underway but seeing the intricate carvings from hundreds of years ago around the maze like hallways was so interesting to see. Heading up and around the enclosed walls, there were loads of other ruins to see like Baphuon (a very cool pyramid), Phimeanakas (a slightly less cool but still cool pyramid), Terrace of the Elephants (honestly just a platform), and Tep Pranam & Prasat Preah Palilay (ruins enveloped by the jungle).

    Eventually all of the cycling in the sweltering heat and made us hungry and very thirsty, so we stopped in a restaurant where the vibe of Cambodia (or atleast the touristy areas) was cemented. From about 100m outside the restaurant, a lady basically runs after us to ask us to eat at her restaurant. Showing us a menu with items $7 a pop I was happy to say no but in an instant it became $4 with a drink included. We were back to the old Turkish haggling ways and I wasn't too happy about it. After a gargantuan meal which made us both feel as full as we ever had we decided to slowly make our way to the next temple.

    We headed North toward Prasat Preah Khan, another square micro city with a big moat and a big wall around it. This one had some information at the entrance which was really interesting to read about the history, the architecture, the decorations, and the restoration efforts. This place was even more maze like than the other, with hundreds of doorways and hallways linking together. Most had been blocked by rubble but it was still cool, with 4 main hallways leading to a small pillar right in the centre. Cambodia had apparently gone through different religious phases, with this temple being built in the brief Hindu phase by the King, meaning there was alot of different statues and decorations than there were in other Temples. We head out the West side and sit by a large square lake with a small square island in the centre. After cooling down a tad and appreciating the Cambodian love of squares, we head back to our bikes and cycle back to Siem Reap.

    Alfie returns his bike and I lock my bike to a brick wall outside the hostel and I go for a swim in the pool to cool down. Immediately I feel so much better without the sweat and suncream and I probably spend about an hour chilling, listening to the group of British holiday makers sitting by the pool. Eventually I dry off and we head to the night market for some food, where Alfie goes for a classic 2 mains as 1 just wasn't enough for his huge appetite. This time we were lucky enough to sit on normal size chairs. After, I try and find something sweet but it seems that the Cambodians don't really eat dessert. After passing an ice cream place for being too expensive, I went for a pancake with chocolate, expecting a similar roti to Koh Tao. I was wrong and definitely got what I paid for. I miss sticky mango rice.

    We head back (running into a small group of very enthusiastic happy ending massagers trying to sell us a good time), shower, and head to sleep. As Daisy was arriving tomorrow, we were doing completely separate things so I had nothing to wake up for.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 36

    Day 36

    12 Mac, Kemboja ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Siem Reap Countyside

    Today was a (mostly) solo day and I was hyped. Firstly I could lay in as much as I wanted whilst Alfie had to go to the airport to pickup Daisy (more on that later). After having a beautiful lie in til 10, I went to find some breakfast and I decided to cycle South of Siem Reap towards Tonlé Sap - the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia. First things first, it was sweltering. The heat hadn't hit its max yet but paired with the humidity that Cambodia seemed to dominate Thailand over- I was a very sweaty dude.

    On the way, there was a temple that sat ontop of a 140m tall hill. This might not seem very high but looking around it was FLAT. Flatter than the notoriously flat Kent. If it wasn't for the haze (presumably from the Northern burning season) I'm sure I could have seen Kent too. This is why this seemingly small hill towered above the vast rice fields and small villages. A sign somewhere called it a mountain - which it definitely isn't - but given how much I struggled getting to the top I'm going with that.

    My first challenge was getting to the base of the mountain - my GPS was pretty spotty and its quite hard to navigate whilst the sun glares off your phone screen. Add the sting of sweat and suncream in my eyes and its a difficult combo. After finally finding the right road I made my way up the fairly gradual incline. Fairly gradual to my eyes but not my body. Holy shit I could barely move forward without having to stop to rehydrate and walk my bike up. I'm not exaggerating by saying that in the few minutes I sat down enough sweat had fallen on my phone that I couldn't use the screen any more. Cue 2 Spanish people casually making their way past me, seemingly without a single bead of sweat. This had me intensely questioning my plans for bikepacking this summer.

    After getting to the ticket checkpoint 2/3 the way up, it seemed that they had left their Angkor tickets at home and they couldn't go up any more. After composing myself once again I attack the rest of the hill, stopping one more time before eventually reaching the top. After yet another sit down in the shade I now had no hope for the summer - the only possibility of success being from the lack of humidity.

    I had the ruins of the temple almost exclusively to myself which made a very peaceful break, sitting on a bench amongst the trees overlooking the endless fields & surrounded by the sounds of nature. Eventually some local kids come to the trees near me - with a few strung together sticks - trying to knock peppers out of the tree. It wasn't long before the young boy climbed up the tree to grab them instead. I think seeing tourists is quite a novelty to Cambodian children as they're always very enthusiastically saying hello whenever you pass them. The view of the lake was okay but I could barely tell it was there with the haze.

    After thinking I had lost my earphone and spending a while searching for it, I had found it under my bike just as I had given up all hope of finding it. We take those wins. I cycled back down the hill in maybe a fiftieth of the time and effort and decided to cycle towards the lake. I took a back road through a very rugged dirt track which passes through a small village who definitely were living a very basic life - with nothing but fishing and farming in the area. Their houses were also built about 5 meters off the farmland on precarious wooden stilts - assumedly for the rainy season?

    I make it to a checkpoint close to the lake where it was revealed I wasn't allowed to cycle to the lake and had to get a boat tour if I wanted to see the floating village. Deciding against spending over 30 dollars for something I wasn't that interested in, I found a very small place for food where I enjoyed the small breeze from the ceiling fan whilst I ate some much needed lunch. After, I thought I had a few hours of daylight left to try and explore as much as I could so I really wanted to get out into the countryside. Finding a route with written directions online I headed back to Siem Reap to start my route - cycling along the very construction site esque "river".

    It wasn't long til I abandoned the route and just used Google maps to find the closest remote countryside that I could - not having the sunlight or energy to go any further. I followed a red dirt track and eventually chose a peaceful enough spot to sit and take in the start of the sunset through the thick haze. After lying on the floor and most likely getting ants in places I didn't want them - I sit up to the noise of lots of quacking. I then see that a farmer was taking a huge flock of ducks for a walk and was probably walking them back home - very cute. Not wanting to cycle back in the dark I left the peaceful fields of ox and plants and start heading back.

    By now I was exhausted and dehydrated nomatter how much water I drank so this was a massive slug. When I get back I change into my swimming trunks as quick as I can and shower off the layer of dirt and dust before cooling off in the pool. I chill for a while before getting out ready to meet up with Alfie and Daisy for dinner. After showing me their humongous room, we head out to the night market. After catching up with eachother I come to learn that Alfie managed to head to the WRONG airport to go and pickup Daisy. In all fairness Google Maps did him dirty and shows the recently closed airport as the only airport and the new one doesn't appear atall. Alfie thought he was gonna get scammed by the TukTuk drivers instead he scammed himself having to spend the money having to go from Siem Reap to the old airport to the new airport and back to Siem Reap.

    We eat, walk through Pub Street, head to a supermarket for even more water and head back to go to sleep ready to get up early enough to catch a 6.15am sunrise at Angkor Wat.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 37

    Day 37

    13 Mac, Kemboja ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    Angkor (Again)

    My first alarm went off at 4.45 and I eventually got out of bed at 5, as the plan was to leave at 5.15. Once I had gotten ready and gathered my things I head downstairs to the lobby, preparing to get called late for being there 30 seconds after 5.15. Turns out neither Alfie or Daisy was there. After checking the other lobby, I texted him and waited until 5.20 until I tried calling where it went to voicemail. Hmm. Waiting another 5 minutes I lightly knock on their door, then knock a little harder until a very tired looking Alfie opens the door claiming his alarm never went off.

    Feeling smug I wait for them to get ready we cycle towards Angkor Wat, hopefully catching sunrise. Given the sunsets being shrouded by clouds, there wasn't much hope for a good sunrise but we gave it a shot anyways. Riding with headtorches, light started to break as we arrived and we make our way across the Rainbow Bridge into Angkor Wat. Walking through the outer gate we see that there was alot of other people who were here for the same thing, so we found a wall to sit on and woke up a bit more as we watched it get lighter and lighter with no sun. Eventually, the sun rises above the layer of cloud / haze quite far above the horizon.

    Needing a good breakfast, we head towards the small section of shops and restaurants where we witness the fierce competition for the exact same menu. We were seated at the 007 James Bond table and I ordered some rice whilst Alfie and Daisy ordered pancakes and fruit - with the fruit coming underneath for some reason. We say no to people trying to sell us the same few things about 100 times before paying and heading towards the Wat.

    We do a perimeter around the walls and see loads of monkeys doing their thing (Daisy's first monkey experience) - with the highlight being the newborns hanging onto their parent's chests so they could get around. We head inside and wander around. The whole place was massive and very well maintained / restored and we could even go up the balcony and get a good view over the whole place, with a hot air balloon rising up not far from the Wat. On the cycle here we manages to avoid the heat but it was slowly getting hotter and hotter. We head out to the bathroom and apply some suncream where I buy my 2nd 1.5L bottle of water of the day.

    From the balcony we could see a temple on a hill in the distance so that was our next mission. Cycling over didn't take long but the walk up was definitely harder. It was a good trail up and not too long but with the heat rising and energy dropping we took a decent break halfway - passing a temple nestled in the jungle on the way up. We get to top and wander up and over the 5 layer pyramid. We come down and around the opposite side - accidently walking through the construction worker's base - as they all watch confusingly as we walk past their hammocks. It was incredibly awkward but eventually we get through and make our way back down the hill. By the bottom I was seriously low on energy and needed a sugary fruit smoothie to revitalise me, so I ordered a mystery fruit combo and it was such a good feeling. It was the level of ice cold that makes your chest hurt slightly as you drink it - which is very uncomfortable but worth it.

    We cycle back towards Angkor Wat and head towards a chain of other Temples we hadn't seen. We got some much needed lunch and another drink and after miscommunicating about the price, we headed out once again. I was revitalised 100% and on high spirits but shortly after I accidently took a wrong turn which meant that we took a trail through the woods instead of the road which was pretty awesome. Going along the sandy red dirt tracks on our mountain bikes through beautiful trees was the kind of riding I loved. We emerged onto the road at a ticket checkpoint where the dude was quite surprised to see that we had no guide with us. He wished us a good day and we went onwards.

    It was starting to get later in the afternoon and we had to get the bikes back in the evening so we quickly check out a few Temples and a decent sized lake. Our final temple was Ta Prohm, which reminded both Daisy and I of Temple Run, with the run down and overgrown temple with long corridors and many turns. We then set our sights back on Siem Reap. We decided to split up so I cycled solo whilst Alfie and Daisy went at a bit more of a leisurely pace. I returned my bike, got my 50 dollar deposit back and grabbed a beautiful piece of chicken from a street vendor and chowed down before showering off and chilling in the pool until the others got back.

    It was about 7 now and there was a quiz on at our hostel that night so we headed out to grab some food to enjoy whilst we hopefully dominated quiz night. I grabbed some fried noodles, beef and egg as well as a tub of oreo rolled ice cream with unlimited toppings. By the time we got back (at pretty much 8 on the dot) my ice cream was pretty much melted. The quiz started at 8.30 and I devoured both my noodles and my ice cream soup (whic hwas amazing by the way) it was time to quiz. 7 teams and 5 rounds, our first challenge was to pick our team name. Not being able to chose a good enough name we ended up not putting any name.

    After a general knowledge, true / false, Cambodian, celebrity baby picture and a music round, with 2 bonus rounds where me and Alfie had to pop 2 balloons with our backs, and then I had to shotgun a beer it all came down to the marking. We were pretty confident we were doing well until they started reading the answers and realised it had gone terribly. The answer I was most proud of was knowing Beethoven's Für Elise which the neighbour to our hostel had been playing a 5 second snippet of on repeat the whole time we had been here in a feud against the music from our hostel. It was petty and was driving me clinically insane - especially as I could here it whilst trying to sleep too.

    After realising we had lost to the group of drunk lads from Devon, it was time to retire and head to bed.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 38

    Day 38

    14 Mac, Kemboja ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Siem Reap > Phnom Penh

    Our bus was booked for 11am and I woke up to Alfie opening my curtain and telling me it was 10.30. Shit I thought to myself before I chucked some clothes on and packed my bag as fast as possible. After about 5 minutes (which I thought was fairly impressive) I met them in the lobby and we checked out. Immediately outside we hollered a TukTuk to take us to the bus office - saving us an hour walk of time we definitely didn't have. We arrived with 15 minutes to spare and checked in. Whilst we waited for the bus to arrive I went on a search for food as I hadn't had breakfast but came up fairly short - only finding a small egg bun thing from a drinks stall.

    The ride was about 6 hours long as was fairly nerve-wracking. I'm not sure what it is about the bus drivers in Cambodia but they seem to test the limits of what makes me comfortable when it comes to overtaking. Luckily we were at the back so I couldn't see the road too much. Unluckily we were at the back so we could feel the bumps even more and our seats were higher so I had to make sure I didn't slam my head into the ceiling on the particular bumpy bits. Something I didn't anticipate for was for the bottom section of my seat to literally come detached from the chair and send me flying down the isle. After causing a bit of a stir and having all the Cambodians look at me laughing (hopefully with me and not at me), I change seat next to the window to hopefully avoid another incident.

    We stop a couple times, once at a restaurant where I grab a smoothie, and once and some stalls where I grab a weird crab pizza ish thing as I still hadn't ate anything properly all day. Alfie ended up not liking his so I scored most of his too. We arrive in Phnom Penh at around 4pm and walk 30 or 40 minutes to our hostel - passing some very official government buildings. Whilst we wait to check in, I notice a hot wing challenge - without any information of what the challenge actually was - I was committed to do it tomorrow. We get shown our room where I was on the 3rd level of a grid of beds.

    We head out to the night market and find the cheapest food we can find (for some reason Phnom Penh is much more expensive than Siem Reap) and sit on some mats on the floor where we figure out our next week in Cambodia. We then go on a search for a good dessert which for some reason was super difficult so we give up and head to 7/11 for some air conditioned snack browsing. We head back to our hostel and play some card games whilst listening to the end of their pub quiz which sounded much better than our one in Siem Reap. I pickup a bottle of water where I had a very interesting interaction with a British woman who had sprinted in from a TukTuk and demanded the clerk for their condoms - she ended up buying my water for me then sprinted back to her TukTuk. I then headed to bed after spending a few hours on the ascent of my ladder.
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  • Hari 39

    Day 39

    15 Mac, Kemboja ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

    Toul Sleng Genocide Museum

    Today was a very somber day (on purpose) because we headed to one of the main sites of Phnom Penh. After grabbing some breakfast we got a TukTuk over and paid 10 dollars for entry and an audio guide which was worth every single penny. The Toul Sleng Genocide Museum was formerly a high school before being used as Security Prison 21 (S21) during the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 to 1979. It was one of hundreds of security prisons across Cambodia that was responsible for the genocide of an estimated 2 million - or 25% - of Cambodians. After the downfall of the regime, it was turned into a museum to remember the atrocities.

    Obviously I didn't take any pictures and I'm not gonna go into alot of detail about what I saw, but we ended up spending about 5 hours following the audio guide, reading the information and seeing the artefacts. This prison was responsible for the torture and death of an estimated 20,000 people where citizens were forced to confess against their "espionage" against the Khmer Rouge. After their confession they'd be sent to the Choeung Ek Killing Fields to be executed. As you walk around the grounds and buildings, you see photos of victims, evidence of torture devices, clothing, cells, and alot of information about everything. To say it was a heavy day would be an understatement.

    Originally we had planned to go to the killing fields in the same day, but we spent longer than expected here and didn't want to rush around the killing fields, so we planned to come back in a few days after heading South to the islands. After leaving we were very hungry and thirsty so we head to a restaurant for some food and drink.

    With the rest of the day we don't do alot, we mainly focused on finding somewhere for laundry and then back to the night market for some dinner.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 40

    Day 40

    16 Mac, Kemboja ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Phnom Penh > Koh Rong

    After waking up, we packed and checked out before walking towards the travel office where our bus was leaving from. On the way we stopped at a small bakery for a little breakfast. When we arrived and checked in, the bus office was directly next to a shop which was much better than the one in Siem Reap. I got a drink and a decent size loaf of banana bread for surprisingly cheap. We boarded the bus and I happened to be sitting front and centre next to our driver. As we drove I chomped on my banana bread and became ready to wake our driver up as he kept looking like he was about to drift off. Luckily, he kept using his phone to keep himself occupied. I've officially decided I don't like buses in Cambodia.

    When we arrived in Sihanoukville we had to get down to the pier to get to Koh Rong. A very enthusiastic taxi driver was right on it when I got off the bus and was telling us 30,000 Riel to get to the pier, claiming a very hilly journey. Trying to get him to slow down and not wander off with Alfie's backpack I quickly checked the prices on Grab where a TukTuk was only 7,400. It didn't take long for him to agree to that price, so we go round the corner to see his falling apart car with more cracks than windscreen. For some reason he gets all 3 of us in the back than letting me sit in the front but it is what it is. He takes us to an ATM on the pier, as there were no ATMs on the island and Alfie and Daisy needed money. He happily waits around so I take the opportunity to ask him what happened to his windscreen and he said that he parked under a coconut tree and gravity did the rest.

    We arrive for the boat at the perfect time and paid $25 for a return. After waiting a little we boarded the boat and took the relatively short journey over, where I let Duolingo pass my time. We hop off the boat and go to our hostel which was directly off the pier - completely different to where the pin on was. Oh well. We check in and luckily they cancelled our accidental double booking free of charge. Alfie and Daisy were in a private room but I was in a dorm. These were more basic than the dorms I had been in before, with no curtains and a grimy bathroom but there was only a few of us there and a couple hostel cats roaming about - one of then in Alfie and Daisy's room.

    We grab some water and lunch on the beach - finding some not too overpriced fried noodles. Koh Rong was semi famous for its glowing plankton but needed very little light pollution so we set our sights on Long Beach so we could catch the sunset and then hopefully catch the glowing plankton. There were 2 ways there - along the road which went in a big loop around the coast or a mystery path that went directly there. Feeling adventurous we headed towards the path on Google Maps hoping for the best. It started off okay until we were trekking uphill into the jungle with almost no sign of a path. We got a bit further up and found a bit more of a clearly defined path that headed in the right direction. This was definitely an adventure. Trekking through overgrown jungle following the feint beaten path, it was hot and I was doing this foolishly in sliders - not expecting to need my trail shoes. We must have spent about an hour walking through, where I kept thinking about all the possible bugs that could end up all over my exposed legs and arms.

    We get to our first sign of tourism, where we see a sign that says "Welcome to the Stone" which sat in 2 halves nailed to a tree on top of a stone. We could also now see the opposite coast and hear music faintly in the distance. After weighing up the different routes, we scrambled our way down this rock - finding the path once again. We had also spotted a few millipedes chilling which were funny but also a little freaky. After kicking a stone (which really hurts in sliders) we finally join the road and make our way onto the beach.

    The sand was insane - super white and fine that it literally crunches beneath your feet like snow. There was not many people on the beach but we still headed down to an emptier spot. We swam around for a while - refreshing to wash the sweat away and chilled as we watched the sun start to set and light up the sky. Chilling in a hammock I started to believe we might actually be in for a sunset for once as the sea shone amber. And as quickly as that, it fell behind a layer of haze / cloud (I don't really know) and it was gone. We wander a bit further down the beach to some deck chairs that were definitely not meant for us but the people in this nice private resort but we commandeered them anyways. In and out of the water we chilled till the sun set for real and it was dark. Unfortunately, with the moon and the resort there was probably still too much light. Fortunately though I finally got a response to my Jonathan Conville Alpine Course application, which was successful! But now I have the headache of getting there a week before I planned to solo.

    Giving up on our chance to see the glowing plankton tonight, we decided to head back - this time along the mostly flat and concreted road with street lamps along the way. Turns out I didn't need my headtorch after all. We eventually got back and went back for some dinner and a fruit smoothie. It wasn't long then till we went to bed. A quick side note, the water from the sink and toilet was yellow?! Disgusting!
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