  • Gün 7

    Day? I fell behind in posting

    13 Eylül 2019, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Ok so truth be told I really fell behind in posting anything. Partly because I had some trouble with WiFi and partly because I was flat out exhausted. Our tour was active with not a lot of downtime. The first day that I didn't post was the day I came home from walking, showered off my feet (a whole new meaning to the washing of feet now) and dove into bed. I tried waking up that afternoon 3 times and felt as though I could have slept the night through. However I knew I'd miss dinner. So as always food motivated me to open my eyes and get myself ready for dinner😁
    The pictures...
    1. Our crazy your guides who took such good care of us. Anticipated our every need. Esther and German (pronounced Herman) I forgot to mention that what they are showing you is octopus. It's what was for lunch. I have had an open mind the whole trip but this is my second try at it and yeah.... They have nothing to fear from me. I'll stick with shrimp!
    2. Beautiful view from our room
    3. Grapevine arbor terrace at our accommodation. Just beautiful!
    4. Underneath the grapevine terrace and Esther getting ready to treat a blister that I never felt coming on... No hot spot, just took my shoe off and there it was. The medical/blister kit that they carry is huge! I will spare you the pictures of the toe. I never had any pain from it! 👍
    5. We were highly encouraged to soak our feet if the manor houses had a pool. I didn't do this one day and realized it was a mistake.
    Thanks for following me!
    Okumaya devam et