  • Giorno 83

    Caleb wrote this ...ALL

    21 aprile 2018, Portogallo ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Caleb: At first I disliked Europe and what we were doing (Bike touring) ,but after 3 days of 35 k each my butt ache and legs stopped hurting so bad. Now in total we have done 140 k (don’t try and add up the numbers cuz they don’t add up;) I have mostly liked camping in the mountains/hills because there are zero .0.0.0. People to bother me,it’s a vast world when we trek through the burnt areas of Portugal. Me and my dad figure that all the residents have a rule not to tell tourists where the fire was , if u have no clue what I am talking about there was a fire that went through almost all of Portugal ! Killing 100 people... well I’ll wrap it up soooo I miss am my friends sooooooo much. Byeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!Leggi altro