• Day 1

    New Plymouth, NZ

    June 5, 2020 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    NZ unlocked.

    The borders are closed, our trip to Europe is cancelled and our planned transition to employment in New Zealand is currently intransiable (ish). What better time to explore our backyard?

    Cat and I are back on the road and we're headed south. We'll be juggling part time jobs, hikes, bikes and bars with some excessive driving distances in the recently acquired Nissan 'Johnny' Qashqai. No, Cat hasn't validated my nickname for our new vehicle, and I'm sure you'll side with her but Johnny Cash is no doubt with me on this one. We've got no bookings, a half baked plan and tickets to ski Coronet peak. Rather unprepared but I did bring a sleeping bag. Suggestions welcome!

    Torrential rain greeted our departure from state highway 1 and followed us on and off to the coast. The clouds eased late in the afternoon in the nick of time for a spectacular view of Mt Taranaki in the setting sun. Lucky us. A few minutes later we rolled into New Plymouth, greeted by local residents Joe and Vanessa and their two boys Arthur (2) and Charlie (8mo).

    Joe and co put us up in their spalacial (yes - the spacious version of palacial) home, and we caught up on many years past with a few beers and a few more rosés.

    Joe and Ness showed us the sights - the waterfront, the wind wand, town, and the local bunnings - but the long and thorough catch ups were the raison d'etre. So good to see they've found their feet and started the family...knowing the Carey's, I'd wager this might be just the start!

    Lunch on Saturday was at Mikes beer garden, where for the first time in a while, I wasn't the biggest grub at the table (thanks Art).

    Major, Cat's great uncle was our final stop on the way out of town. Yes, his name is no longer legal for all you sharp eared pregnant couples. A quick catch up and a well prepared flick through four of the 27 photo albums was all we had time for, before hitting the road to Welly. We're eager to get our hands on Major's memoirs - not just for piecing together the blur of a visit but also to compare with Grandjack's. Cat's copy is in Dargs. We're coming for ya Shirley!

    Cat took my dozy self the whole way to Welly with the aid of some rather terrible podcasts (The scrubs one - never heard such meaningless waffle in my life zzzz). It was raining upwards when we arrived and Anny and Dave had the house warmed up and the lamb on the table as we dripped into their appartment near Cuba St. Spoilt huh?!

    In the essence of keeping good records:
    Covid19 status: Level 2 with 12 days of zero case in NZ.
    Noticeable effect: Cat's hands are sore from repetitive sanitizing. My hands are sore from not writing my contact details in every store. Not.
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