NZ Roadtrip

Jun - Julai 2020
Pengembaraan 36hari oleh Richard Baca lagi
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  • Hari 1

    New Plymouth, NZ

    5 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    NZ unlocked.

    The borders are closed, our trip to Europe is cancelled and our planned transition to employment in New Zealand is currently intransiable (ish). What better time to explore our backyard?

    Cat and I are back on the road and we're headed south. We'll be juggling part time jobs, hikes, bikes and bars with some excessive driving distances in the recently acquired Nissan 'Johnny' Qashqai. No, Cat hasn't validated my nickname for our new vehicle, and I'm sure you'll side with her but Johnny Cash is no doubt with me on this one. We've got no bookings, a half baked plan and tickets to ski Coronet peak. Rather unprepared but I did bring a sleeping bag. Suggestions welcome!

    Torrential rain greeted our departure from state highway 1 and followed us on and off to the coast. The clouds eased late in the afternoon in the nick of time for a spectacular view of Mt Taranaki in the setting sun. Lucky us. A few minutes later we rolled into New Plymouth, greeted by local residents Joe and Vanessa and their two boys Arthur (2) and Charlie (8mo).

    Joe and co put us up in their spalacial (yes - the spacious version of palacial) home, and we caught up on many years past with a few beers and a few more rosés.

    Joe and Ness showed us the sights - the waterfront, the wind wand, town, and the local bunnings - but the long and thorough catch ups were the raison d'etre. So good to see they've found their feet and started the family...knowing the Carey's, I'd wager this might be just the start!

    Lunch on Saturday was at Mikes beer garden, where for the first time in a while, I wasn't the biggest grub at the table (thanks Art).

    Major, Cat's great uncle was our final stop on the way out of town. Yes, his name is no longer legal for all you sharp eared pregnant couples. A quick catch up and a well prepared flick through four of the 27 photo albums was all we had time for, before hitting the road to Welly. We're eager to get our hands on Major's memoirs - not just for piecing together the blur of a visit but also to compare with Grandjack's. Cat's copy is in Dargs. We're coming for ya Shirley!

    Cat took my dozy self the whole way to Welly with the aid of some rather terrible podcasts (The scrubs one - never heard such meaningless waffle in my life zzzz). It was raining upwards when we arrived and Anny and Dave had the house warmed up and the lamb on the table as we dripped into their appartment near Cuba St. Spoilt huh?!

    In the essence of keeping good records:
    Covid19 status: Level 2 with 12 days of zero case in NZ.
    Noticeable effect: Cat's hands are sore from repetitive sanitizing. My hands are sore from not writing my contact details in every store. Not.
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  • Hari 3

    Wellington, NZ

    7 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Not so windy at all.

    Annys chat and Dave's extensive supply of Booster group wines facilitated a fantastic demolition ceremony of the aforementioned roast lamb that night. Luckily, none of us had work the next day!

    We did however, have a walk to accomplish. An unexpectedly strong flat white was rocket fuel for the V2 engine, powering us to the top of Mt Kaukau with fufu intact. The reward were some outstanding views of Wellington, the harbour, the ranges, the South Island and even the Southern Alps - sheeesh! The only blotch on an otherwise perfect vista was a pesky cloud in the far distance obscuring our backdrop from the day before, Mt Taranaki.

    Lunch and a scenic gander turned into a steep descent with only one slip casualty - I'll let you guess who - and 8 very muddy feet. The early afternoon shadows were rapidly stretching eastward as we made our way home for a cup of tea, a spot of shopping and a stroll on the promenade to watch the sunset. How good to live so close to the water!

    A mildly serious planning session developed in the early evening, culminating in the formation of Annys Travel Agency and an unrelated brewing of medicinal Kawakawa juice of which Cat and I are still awfully confused.

    The highlight of the night (excluding the post walk beer), was Anny's parmesan potatoes which were undoubtedly the potato dish of the year to date and more than sufficient to re-establish her position at the top of the rankings. Yes, Cat took notes. What she didn't win was rummykub which I'll claim a victory; the other debatably to an unofficial team Cat Dave.

    Monday morning began in darkness, with whispered farewells and finished aboard the Interislander ferry on another delightful day of meteorological bliss.
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  • Hari 4

    Picton, NZ

    8 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 10 °C


    With a population of barely 4000, picton really is just a blip on the map. Our interislander crossed Cook Strait with ease and arched into the sounds under the clearest of skies and flattest of seas. But this was all just an image in the window as we capitalised on the 3 hours down time to do some yakka.

    Cat the grinch keeps spoiling our holiday with requests for work days which i duly oblige - as to be fair, I still have a part time job too! Save for a short walk around town and another up a nearby hill, work was the essence of our first day here - shame as the weather was bloody glorious!

    Fortunately we wrangled Tuesday off for an exploration of the Queen Charlotte Sound / Track. Another gorgeous day presented itself: blue on green on blue, mwah! We'd signed up last minute for a guided kayak and mountain bike and had no trouble securing our place as the sole tourists on a public tour at Sea Kayak Adventures. I've forgotten how good it is to have a guide. Aaron looked after us like we were cash in an economic crisis. Oh wait, we were.

    Our faff free preparations and surprisingly enthusiastic briefings wooshed by and, without even pausing to shut the car door, we were on the water. Icy water, that is. Icy and glassy. Perfect. Our first visitor was a jumping seal, an early highlight, followed by the most unstressful, undemanding, informative kayak one could ever hope for. My preconcieved images of freezing ocean spray, gut-busting headwinds and double-kayak bickering never came close to fruition.

    We lazed through the sound from Anakiwa Bay to Mistletoe bay, pausing to learn about the history of the area, the wildlife and the human life in the area. Fun fact of the day definitely goes to the pine trees, so here's a little did you know: pine trees are the humans of the forest. They grow so big and so fast that little else can compete. Their needles contain poison which when decaying spoils the soil for any other growth. Once a pine tree establishes itself, if it's not killed it will take over the native bush. Hence, why they are being poisoned throughout our National Parks. Bored yet?

    After working the arms, we jumped on the bikes to finish the workout. Aaron had pre-dropped our bikes at Mistletoe bay - how good! We pumped up the big hill, had a bite to eat, then cruised the Queen Charlotte track all the way back to Anakiwa, with some awesome flowing downhills which would excite even the least enthusiastic of sore-bummed bikers (cough cough). The views were indescribable. Literally.

    All in a days work; we were back in Picton by nightfall for a few hours work and a dodgy Asian feed.

    Wednesday brought more work, which was done from our wee hotel room. We managed a quick dart over to Blenheim for lunch in the sun at a german brewhouse and finished the daylight hours with a beautiful jog up the Snout Track to witness a 10 out of 10 sunset over QCS. Being a drinking day (yes, Cat is very strict about our sobriety on Mondays and Tuesdays), we stumbled across a pub-quiz-pizza-special night at Oxleys. We embarrassed ourselves profoundly, took the wooden spoon (no surprises there), and otherwise thoroughly enjoyed the night which featured some heated local rivalry, a tardy jazz pianist and a surprisingly talented quizmaster.

    Next stop Nelson.

    Coronavirus update: still no cases!
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  • Hari 7

    Nelson, NZ

    11 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Sunny Nelson.

    Our streak of good weather continued in unprecedented beauty. In fact, I recall it might have been close to a record high pressure, but we went seven full days with but a cloud or a breath of wind. Gee whiz.

    Gravity winery was our first stop out of Picton. Save for a delicious butter chicken pie in Havelock of course. We found the most idyllic and otherwise empty winery where we posted up for a generously poured tasting and enormous platter of all good snacks. I'd love to say we did more with our day, but....ah the serenity.

    According to our Sommelier (who surely wasn't a sommelier), there was plenty of business and they'd more or less had a steady stream of customers since the lockdown ended. Given our afternoon was interrupted only by one other pair, I couldn't believe her.

    We posted up the night as psuedo kids of Annie and Stu who run an Air BnB in Marybank. Lovely folk. We cooked every meal in Nelson, save for the winery, and it was surprisingly easy and comfortable in another household's working kitchen.

    Work and tramping prep were the order of Friday, breaking only for a leg stretch to the centre of NZ (disappointingly uncentral) and pausing briefly for a drink in town before cooking up a feed and hitting the hay. Angelus hut in the Nelson Lakes National Park was our weekend mission, we would need our rest! (Separate footprint).

    Monday was a designated work day but I'd been dying to hit the Coppermine MTB trail from central Nelson. Unfortunately the weather had finally given way to light drizzle forecast to turn heavy in the afternoon. My luck too, had also taken a turn, with unsuccessful attempts to hire a bike at the first three stores. Looking at the $160 bill at the fourth, and with my legs waning from yesterday in the short walk around town in the deteriorating weather, I threw in the towel.

    My disappointment and frustration prevented concentration at work so I popped down the road for a wet and steep jog up the Cable Bay trail from Glenduan and busted a gut. Cat all this time, being the hive of productivity and example employee we're all not jealous of.

    Anny and Stu were great hosts. Unsurprisingly, they've had their rooms full almost non-stop, even throughout lockdown (long term guests). They had a couple right before us and another couple while we were there. I'm starting to get the feeling that there's more to the story of this so called 'tourist flop'.

    Next stop: Westport. Yes, Westport.

    Coronavirus update: two reported cases - prematurely freed from lockdown!!
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  • Hari 9

    Nelson Lakes National Park, NZ

    13 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

    Alpine Paradise.

    There's a fair amount of preparation that goes into tramping. I'd forgotten. As had I forgotten that hiking is an unsuitable word for what is clearly tramping, no offense to you non kiwi readers. The art of finding a walk requires somewhat more effort than say, finding a new series on Netflix; after all, you can't really just close your screen when you've had enough. After much googling, a trip to DOC and much more googling we discovered that DOC is just amazing. Oh, and we chose the overnight walk to Angelus hut. Cat can't handle me smelling for more than one night.

    It was the obvious choice but we felt a lot of discouragement for the track conditions at this time of year. Our back up was the alpine circuit in Kahurangi NP overnighting in Salisbury hut. Nonetheless we grew a pair and headed out to Nelson Lakes at an hour on Saturday morning that shan't be repeated.

    Pinch Gut was an apt name for the first hour of consistently steep ascent which culminated in penetration of the low lying cloud. From there, the ascent continued, tapering throughout the day, oddly in sync with the ever reducing cloud cover. As we neared the end of Robert Ridge some epic views opened up to the west, but not soon enough for us to see Lake Rotoiti in all her might.

    A sketchy ridge ride took up much of the afternoon as my trusty work boots struggled for traction control. The rocky, snowy ride down did not look like fun.

    Angelus hut came into view in the mid afternoon, placed angelically in the centre of what might have been a crater, perched between two defrosting lakes and now baking in full sun. In my excitement to arrive, I slipped on the descent, hurting nothing but my pride as we skidded into camp with the day's gumbi award safe in my arms - Richard 1, Cat 0. My perfect streak broken.

    We were in the nick of time to snag two of the last five bunks in a 28 bed hut which end up sleeping 35 guests that night!! And what a party it was: 8 rowdy and excitable post high schoolers, a group of 10 from South America bringing wine by the box (yes 6 bottles in one bag), whiskey and jager (??!?), plus a myriad of other international, regional and local trampers, all surprisingly below the age of 35.

    The beauty of this place was rivaled only by Bonniedoon. As was the sun, the sunset and the stars. Wow! Worth the walk twice over if you ask me!

    There were some antics that night but all told everybody was reasonable and in fact, the stupidest of activities was undertaken the next morning when two idiots walked into the centre of the lake unfrozen just the day before. Possibly the same guy who jumped through the ice for a swim on saturday afternoon. Madness.

    We chose the Speargrass track down the next day which commenced with a short hike to the ridge summit (not Angelus summit - save that for summer) for more endless views. The next few hours were knee breakingly steep, and initally icy as I battled to avoid a blow out in yesterdays score. The alpine scenery, rivers, rocks and snow under the sun and absence of wind was just what we love about this country!

    After a multitude of river crossings, it took forever to weave our way out through the beech forest but we had enough chocolate and candy and our fix of good views to see us through. We even had a fantail escort who saw us all the way back to Johnny.

    Our 90min drive back to Nelson turned out to be a perfectly timed run for the Blues Hurricanes kick off - I literally landed on my seat in the Vic as it started - and as if the cold, pints, hot chips and a Blues victory could have left any room for a better day, we topped it off with a spa at Anny and Stu's and a few red wines.

    I won't be forgetting that for a while.
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  • Hari 12

    Westport, NZ

    16 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    It's Westport. The only thing that's changed since your father's father visited is the declining prospect of gold.

    Coal, on the other hand, still very present and currently the predominant source of household heating, as my nostrils deduced.

    I'd love to tell you how exciting it was but that would be lying. Our experience of the famed Buller Gorge was very underwhelming, despite the efforts the rain was making to flood it.

    Cape foulwind was wild, and to be fair, there were plenty of seals and an exciting swell, but Cat made me walk and I wasn't in the mood.

    We ate both meals in and worked all day Wednesday so we hardly made an effort, but our quiet beer in 'town' certainly reinforced our decision to stay in. The stopover highlight might just have been the complimentary cooked breakfast by our air bnb hosts, if it wasn't for the relentless chat we endured for more or less, the entire duration of our stay. My historical knowledge of a two storey dwelling in Westport now exceeds that of any structure I've worked on in my short and wandering career. Nonetheless, a very clean and pleasant stay with lovely people.

    We did however, both separately enjoy a nice run, which has been a bit of a silver lining in these work days. Despite an absolute start to finish drenching, I looped the wetlands trail (fitting, I know) on verbal direction from a previously acquainted Cat. It was curvy, flat and completely empty (save for two other joggers). There's nothing like running new routes and even better when they're out on trails in remote areas throughout NZ. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of my runs, which I'd say carry the touristic value of a half or full day walk, with the added entertainment of trying not to get lost.

    Onward to Greymouth, the wet coast had really lived up to it's name. The westerly swell made the Punakaiki blowholes come to life, which did impress a pair of scraggly half drowned rats.

    Greymouth, however, wasn't worth the night we spent there and would have easily won a scrap with Westport for lowlight of the trip so far. Not even the Monteiths Brewery could persuade us, with it's warm fire, cold beer and fish and chips - falling short with a typical west coast lack of atmosphere almost intentionally by playing Pure NZ tourism ads on loop instead of Perhaps it's off season. Or there's a pandemic or something.

    Full marks for the Global Culture hostel, on a hostel scale. Geez we're mixing up this accommodation!

    I do realise I'm being harsh and these are just gateway towns to the wonderous likes of the Heaphy, Paparoa National Park, Arthurs Pass National Park, and the glaciers to name just some. Better weather, more time and a higher level of capability on a mountain bike are three things which could easily turn my review on its head.
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  • Hari 16

    Christchurch, NZ

    20 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Boisterous Bella.

    Our adventure through Arthur's Pass was underwhelming. Low cloud and light rain made the views unremarkable. A short walk and a hot pie were about the highlight of the trip as we rolled through the plains and down to Christchurch.

    Bellas yelps could be heard from Auckland. Her deafening squeals and energetic crotch punches haven't relented with age, nor has her demand for attention. She welcomed us to Hamish and Kasias home where we set up for a quick work power hour, followed by a few beers and a delicious lasagna. We had been joined by Alastair who managed to squeeze us in between setting up for a wedding and a cocktail party. Thanks Al.

    Saturday involved a brisk visit to the local markets, an expensive spell in Torpedo7, a delightful salami sandwich, a lime scooter tour of the CBD (thanks Kasia), an informative visit to Quake City museum, and dinner at H&Ks local favourite - the Laboratory - where the flirtatious Bella stole the show again.

    Sunday started slowly but we managed a relatively uneventful visit to Lyttleton, which included a genie lamp and a towball fiasco in the bunnings carpark, all while Kasia "played" soccer. Regrettably, we did not get sausages.

    Mcleans park hosted us that afternoon, with some loopy rolly mtb trails, which was ultimately a serious workout - big hamo tapping out first arguably for ice cream over true fatigue.

    Dinner was the filling in Sunday's icecream sandwich. Roast lamb and Annys potatoes- que bueno!!

    We worked the morning out of Monday, said our goodbyes and hit the road to Timaru where we were hosted for dinner by Cat's Scottish friend's brother David and partner Alice. A lovely pair of adventurous doctors who between keeping the people of Timaru alive, appear to enjoy kayaking, hiking, skiing, cycling, collecting lamps and on occassion, running out of gas. Fed and watered (thanks guys!) we took a very dark road to Tekapo.

    Thanks a bunch to the older brother, the jock and the princess for hosting!

    PS feel free to send podcast reccos!
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  • Hari 19

    Tekapo, NZ

    23 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

    Take a poo.

    That's what we had to tell Cat to stop her calling it Tepako. Tekapo actually means 'sleeping mat night', which is momentarily interesting, not very meaningful and swiftly forgotten. Take a poo, much better.

    Dark night reserve and bright day beauty, this place is just wow!

    We've got the ground floor of a two storey house, self contained, new, warm, clean and with a view of the lake. The sun won't stop shining until the earth spins out the stars and leaves us hung jawed and crook necked gazing into the abyss. Incredible. It's like I had a star for every time Cat told me she was freezing. Which this time, was a fair and accurate comment, given it was minus three out.

    I was keen to learn more, but as Corona virus would have it, nobody was available to teach. Thus Cat the astronomy hater was off the hook and it was hot pools instead.

    We did have an amazing walk up and around Mt John, after John Hay, earlier that day which was just spectacular. And much longer than anticipated. And muddy. And icy. But no falls!

    Working again, but this time with a view to die for! And running too, down river beds, past dams and culverts, over snowy golf courses with Mckenzies finest back drop: the alps. How good. Lucky us.

    I'll let the pictures say the rest.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 21

    Mt Cook National Park, NZ

    25 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Hooker Valley Track.

    Second time. Still no sight of the mother mount. Ten out of ten otherwise, even for the outlandish volume of walkers, in some fairly discouraging weather. We'll be back!

    Brilliantly timed and paced to make it back for Cat's midday meeting. Pats on the back all round!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 23

    Queenstown, NZ

    27 Jun 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    The big smoke.

    Traffic, of all things, welcomed us to Queenstown. I suppose it wasn't unexpected, it just wasn't really expected if you get my drift.

    The drive from Tekapo was grand. Cloudy and dramatic, with patches of afternoon sun, rain, rainbows and snow. We visited Mt Cook National Park (other footprint), Twizel (for Frasers sake, or rather for pies) and hammered through Cromwell in a mad dash to get to the snow centre before close. Lift passes for tomorrow's skiing was essential admin.

    I do recall holidays being a leisurely affair; namely that sleep takes priority over all activities, people and places - especially once sleep has begun. This holiday has not been leisurely much at all. As it would turn out, combining a holiday and work does not magically produce additional hours in the day to both holiday and work. I'm certainly not complaining - we're extraordinarily lucky in numerous way to be able to do what we're doing - I'm just pointing out that if you see bags under my eyes it's because we're not all play down here! That said, a 9am ski date is hardly an early start!

    Speaking of play, boy did we get a cracking day at Coronet Peak on Friday! First day of the season, plenty of first tracks, fresh snow and loads of people. Managing to escape without injury was undoubtedly the highlight of a day marred with poor technique, awkward crashes and general embarrassment. If we bounced when we were young, one could accurately regard our graceless inability to remain upright as remarkably unskilled and they'd not be far at all from the truth. Recovery periods and quantities of bruises are at life long highs.

    Fortunately we'd only committed to going two days on the trot, because by the time Tom and Celeste had finished educating us on the standard we should be at, we were well and truly spent.

    We opted to support a local tour company on Sunday. At least that's what we told each other as we indulged in a treacherous trip to Skippers Canyon. Chariot #1 was a late 90s OKA, which had seen better days. But it took to Skippers road like a duck to water, and there was plenty of water gauging rivers from the road as we proceeded in torrential conditions and with windows fogging faster than the recollection of a hefty night on the turps. Lucky, because the unguarded corners had some gut wrenching vertical drops which were probably best left unseen.

    Surviving the ride of Chariot #1 granted entry to Chariot #2: a jet boat. We rugged up warm, Cat especially, and belted up the upper Shotover river with yelps and screams in some actually quite painful stinging rain. Heated handholds were a slice of heaven and made all the difference between suffering and enjoyment. The latter definitely winning out in what was an adventurous day.

    Work, work, work rounded out our last day (and some) in Queenstown before our wee trip down to Milford.

    PS - yes, of course we got Fergburger, and Ferg Pies. We're not animals!
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