• Day 3

    So long, farewell...

    April 11, 2024 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 45 °C

    After deciding 2024 would be our last year sailing in the Mediterranean, we have accepted an offer and sold Sea la Vie. We had hoped to sail again but now we are sorting and packing our belongings. It's incredible the amount of stuff we have squirreled away on 37 feet!
    Our plan now is to drive around the Peloponnese, ferry hop to the islands, perhaps take a jaunt to Istanbul and maybe rent a boat for a week or so. It will be a different sort of adventure but I'm sure full of beauty, challenges, education, frustrations, enlightenment, joy, and perhaps, with fewer moments of terror, although Bob's driving of a standard car is somewhat rusty and does not eliminate the threat of running aground!!
    Ex bono in melius (from good to better).
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