Europe Trip!

janeiro - fevereiro 2024
Going over to Europe to see Sarah’s sister and my family! Leia mais
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  • Dia 9

    Full day in Lyon

    22 de janeiro, França ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Today we woke up and were feeling hungry. We decided to go to a nice little bakery called Bakery Albon. I don’t know what the French do to their croissants, but I would like the rest of the world to learn. Then it was museum time! We went to Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, which was humongous and seemed like it went on foreverrr. It was pretty shnazzy though! Afterwards we had lunch at this bistro place. I had a burger and learned that the French do NOT cook their meat anywhere near enough, ah well. Then we stopped off at a bakery again to experience French pastry goodness again :) we chilled back at the air bnb before heading out to a Lebanese restaurant yummmm (except the fly I found in my drink oops) anyway eat eat walk walk sleep sleep zzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 10

    Last day in Lyon!

    23 de janeiro, França ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Last day in Lyon! We had to check out at 11:00AM and our train was at 5:20PM, which meant we had to carry our luggage everywhere - not ideal. After some much needed yogurt for breakfast we headed off to a nearby laundromat to do some drying woooo! Then we wandered to a burrito place where we had some - you guessed it - burritos. Very fast foody but did the job. We chilled there for a while because we didn’t wanna drag our luggage aimlessly for ages, but then we went on a walk to a park called Parc de Tête which was gorgeous! I now want a pet goose. After chilling there for a bit, we made our way to the train station where we had to wait a bit longer to know which gate to go to. Coffee and apple juice later, we hopped on our train to Paris! 2 hour train means Emily in Paris which means new tv show to binge! We hopped off our train and caught another one which would get us close to our air bnb. After making ourselves at home, we went to a Mexican place called El Tequila which was fantabulous. Back home and zzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 11


    24 de janeiro, França ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    AHHH DISNEYLAND DAY WOOOO! We got up nice and early to catch a bus which would take us to our train station which conveniently has a train that goes directly to Disneyland. Although we got a little lost but then some security guard saw Ali’s Mickey Mouse ears and pointed us in the right direction. It was a pretty big train ride, around 40 minutes or so, but the view along the way was nice and I was super excited. When we got there, I was surprised at how busy it was - being not very busy. Like there were still a ton of people but nowhere near as many as I had thought. Anyway we showed our tickets and there we were! In Disneyland park and seeing the cool castle. No time to take it all in. Must get on rides. We started off on a small, family-friendly Pinocchio ride, and then went on a similar Peter Pan ride. Both very good :) then I somehow convinced Sarah to go on the Indiana Jones ride (big scary one) and after expecting to be killed, she enjoyed it! Then we decided to go to a Star Wars 4D cinema which was very very cool, made me a little dizzy though. We stopped off at some of the cafes and restaurants to have some lunch. I had some pork ribs mmmm we kept on touring around and we went in a haunted house which honestly didn’t feel that haunted. Oo! And then we went on a little boat ride around the park which was very cruisey. We went to get some crepes and strawberry skewers before hopping on the train which also takes you around the park! It was getting pretty late and close to the time of the parade so Sarah and I started lining up for the other big scary ride which was called big thunder mountain. Line was very very long and we almost missed the parade, but wowee that was worth it. One of the best rides I’ve been on. Then it was parade time! The parade music went HARD. It was pretty shnazzy seeing a bunch of kids so amazed by it all :) then after the parade we got some more food whilst we waited for the magic Disney fireworks show. Holy moly that was actually jaw-dropping. Like I’ve never been that attached to Disney and I don’t know much about any of the characters but THAT was so cool. Afterwards the place turned into a stampede of people trying to get to the exit and when we finally made it out we hopped on our train home. ZzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 12

    Eiffel Tower day!

    25 de janeiro, França ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Okay okay time to go see the big tower. We hopped up and went on a train that conveniently led straight to the Eiffel Tower, were we had some brekkie at a nearby cafe. I had a croque monsieur (glorified toastie) which was so so good. Oo! And a latte. Thennn we saw the thing in person! Honestly it was about as big as I’d expected it to be, but it was so much wider than I thought. We climbed up so so many stairs and the view was astonishing. Like, all of Hobart could’ve fit into that view. After spending a bit more time there we climbed back down and it was cruise time! Not the best weather for it but it was still pretty cool. Makes you realise that Paris is big. After the cruise we went to an Italian restaurant near the Eiffel Tower while we waited for it to light up and sparkle. I had one of the best pizza’s of my LIFE that was sensational. Mushrooms make everything better. We walked back to the Eiffel Tower just in time to see it sparkle! Very pretty :) then we had a big walk to Caveau de la Huchette - one of Paris’ most famous jazz clubs. We watched the Bert De Kort All Stars who were super good, they played mostly trad jazz but what surprised me the most was how many people were there and the fact that there was a mosh pit at a JAZZ GIG. We were at the back so we couldn’t really see much but one aperol spritz and I was on the dance floor. What a good time. We went back home at like 12:30am and straight away zzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 13

    Big pyramid and arch day!

    26 de janeiro, França ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Pyramid timeeee! We started our day by catching a few trains to the Louvre where we stumbled across the BEST bakery in Paris I’m convinced. I would buy endless baguettes from this place. After eating way more than we should have, we went to the louvre museum and optimistically we thought we’d see most of the place, but oh boy we were so wrong. We were there for about 5 hours and covered 1 of the 5 floors oops. My two favourites were the Venus de Milo and the Mona Lisa. We figured out way too late that you need many many days to cover everything. Non stop art and sculptures everywhere = getting quite lost. Anyway after we somehow found our way out we went to the same bakery again before catching a train to the Arc de Triomphe. It was a super nice evening to go there and it felt the most like what I expected France to be in the first place. After walking around a bit we caught the train back to our air bnb and then walked to the Mexican restaurant where we had dinner a few nights before. Equally as good as the time before. Then we walked back and watched Tangled (first time for me) which pleasantly surprised me! We packed up our stuff, ready for another travel day in the morning and zzzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 14

    Spain time!

    27 de janeiro, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Bye Ali :( We got up for an early start and a day of travel and said our goodbyes. We went to the Charles de Gaulle airport via train and accidentally went to the wrong terminal oops so then we trained to the right terminal. Checked in, security, blah blah blah and then took a bus to the plane. Our flight was a little delayed and we only had one hour of layover in Madrid so it was a little stressy. Anyway we took off, landed all safe and well but had to run to our next flight to Santander! We made it yayyy and then took off again and landed safely. The whole family greeted us! :) they took us to our little hotel to unpack and then we took bus to their house for dinner. It was so good to have home cooked food for the first time in so long and it was amazing! We caught up for the first time in 5 years, looked through some old photos and then went back to the hotel. ZzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 15

    Full day in Santander!

    28 de janeiro, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Our first big day in Santander! Today was the 18th anniversary of my auntie and uncle’s wedding so we visited the palace where they were married. Apparently I was there and I was 2 years old but unfortunately my memory isn’t that great :( We walked along the beach (which was so sunny and perfect - Santander doesn’t know what winter is) and had some lunch. Then we then went to a village in the middle of nowhere where the wedding reception was! It was originally a hotel 20 years ago but had since closed down. When we got there we were told we weren’t allowed in but when my auntie told them they were there 18 years ago he was more than happy to let us in! Apparently he was there for the party as well! Afterwards we visited a medieval castle turned into a small village/museum which was cool, but the most exciting part was when we bought some cookies from some nuns. We chilled back at the hotel before going to a fancy place for dinner. The waiter accidentally spilled red wine on my white jumper and my steak was still mooing, but apart from that, so so good. We went back home and then zzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 16

    Uncle’s birthday!

    29 de janeiro, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today was a much needed rest day. We spent a lot of the day inside our hotel watching Emily in Paris before heading out for a walk along the beach. Again, convinced Santander doesn’t do winter right. Originally we had set out to do some clothes shopping but all of the shops were super far away in the centre of town so that was a no-go. Today was also a special day because it was Jeroen’s birthday!! After the beach we headed to the family’s house where we had spaghetti bolognaise for dinner and cake of course. There was a surprise visit from Lidia’s (my auntie) family who I’d all met before when I was super young so couldn’t really remember them. But it was so good to see them again and catch up on life and stuff! We stayed there pretty late before getting dropped back at the hotel. ZzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 17

    Chill day time

    30 de janeiro, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Another pretty chill day today! Originally we had planned to go into the city but didn’t get around to it. I hung out with Eduardo for a bit and played Mario party (I won for the record) Then it was lunch time! We had pasta salad which I think was a first for me? Anyway AMAZING. After lunch I was introduced to “siesta” which is a nap after lunch - very normal in Spain. Tassie, please take notes. I was asleep for about 3 hours (one and only photo for today oops) and then it was dinner time! We had chicken and roast veggies - probably the most similar to home dish we’ve had so far and ahh it was so good. A very intense scrabble game between Sarah and I (I won that too hehe) and back to the hotel zzzzzzzLeia mais

  • Dia 18

    Santander city time!

    31 de janeiro, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Town time! Eduardo took us into the city centre of Santander. He met us at our hotel and then we bussed into town. At first we looked for this churro place which he really likes but turns out it was closed on Wednesdays :( but no problemo we found another place pretty quickly and WOW San Churro step up your game please. They were so simple and they came with a hot choccy which was literally just chocolate. Melted. So simple but so good. Then we went to this little place famous for its juices and we had a blueberry lemonade. Someone tell boost juice about this please. We strolled around the city, and Eduardo showed us all the hot spots. Oo! And there were these chairs by the beach where we just laid down for about an hour and it was everything we needed. We did a bit of shopping, a bit of looking, a bit of everything! Then we went to this place for lunch and we had these things called pinchos! Literally just random things on bread but they were so so good. Will be trying this back at home. Then we went back to the family’s house to chill out (another siesta was had) and have dinner. Then at around 8 we went to go watch Eduardo’s choir rehearsal where they sung that one song from Moana (no idea what it’s called but I’m sure you’ve heard it before) and wow they sound so good. Then back to the hotel and zzzzLeia mais