  • Dag 109

    Costa Rica Day 6 - Monteverde

    29 april 2021, Costa Rica

    We had our final traditional breakfast of eggs, rice, beans and plantain at the lovely Arenal Manoa resort and jumped in our transfer to Monteverde. On a map it looks as if it should only take about half an hour but due to the lack of roads around the volcano, it's actually a 3/4 hour drive! But lucky for us (and to our surprise) the transfer was actually a bus, then a boat, and then another bus which actually only took 2 hours in total. The scenery on the bus was amazing, and on the boat, even better - a clear view of the volcano for the second time! How lucky are we?!

    We arrived at our hotel in Monteverde, dropped the bags off and went straight to Monteverde cloud forest for la cable car through the clouds and some more zip lining (a network of 11, all through the clod forest)! The zip lines are apparently the highest in the world (although need to check this, probably just sales talk) and were much faster and scarier than the ones we did the day before. The best part was that on the last one we got to zipline in tandem which was brilliant! At the end there was the chance to do a mini bungee jump (which I politely declined) but Craig bravely attempted! They didn't tell him until the end that you have to jump backwards, which made it even scarier!

    We had a well deserved drink after with the other adventurous tourists in our group. There was a couple from Georgia on their honeymoon, a Californian and a couple from France & California.

    That evening I found a place for dinner where you eat in a treehouse. It looked a little pricey, but the reviews were great and I had some birthday money from mum and dad so we went for it! And I'm so glad we did. Probably our best dining experience ever. We were in our own little tree house, served about 6 courses of delicious food and everything represented an aspect of Costa Rica. The last course represented the cloud forest and they actually released vapor all around us so we were literally eating in a cloud! The perfect ending to a brilliant day.
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