  • Dag 7

    Bangkok Busy

    23. november 2018, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Our driver arrived promptly this a.m. to drive us to the airport. Our stay at the Park Royal was an unqualified success and we will miss being spoiled by the staff.

    The airport in Singapore wasn’t too busy and we sailed through without incident. The flight to Bangkok was filled but uneventful and we met our new driver immediately after exiting the baggage claim. The drive to the hotel was long (rush hour ?) and the traffic was chaotic. (what we eventually came to realize was normal).

    The hotel is an oasis amidst a street of 7 eleven’s, massage parlours, laundries, and a HUGE hospital. The best part of the ambiance is the street vendors selling various foods.
    We sampled a Roti made with an egg that was reminiscent of French Toast; delicious.
    We strolled around the block to find 2 large open air restaurants selling fish. You pick your dinner and they cook it right before your eyes. I’m sure we will have some before we leave.

    It was still rush hour and the traffic was horrific. Like Rome, all the scooters weave to the front at every red light and zoom away like the Indy 500 at the first opportunity. Like Peru, the electrical wiring is all above ground and resembles a plate of spaghetti atop the hydro poles. Alan was amazed.
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