Caribbean Tour

Ocak - Şubat 2022
A cruise around the islands of the Caribbean. Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 23

    St Kitts and Nevis

    25 Ocak 2022, İngiliz Virgin Adaları ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Arrived early this morning to a cloudless sky and Azura berthed close by. Whereas not long ago the St Kitts authority had declared that no passenger could leave the port area unless booked on a ship’s shore excursion or by government approved taxi, when we arrived all restrictions had been removed, apart from the need to wear face masks both indoors and outdoors. We had booked a beach break at 1230 hrs for a few hours so in the morning we strolled around the main town of Basseterre. Quite interesting and quite attractive around the port area. At 1230 we took a minibus to Cockleshell Bay beach which looked directly upon the island of Nevis. A beautiful location but not particularly impressed with the beach. However, the water was warm although the snorkelling was not good. The fish must be somewhere else. The drive there and back was impressive with good scenery.

    26th January. Two people we know who dance came out of the ship’s quarantine this morning after ten days isolation because of COVID. They had missed most of the islands we had visited. They confirmed that people had been transferred to and from the Queen Victoria but they had remained on Ventura playing scrabble in their room. Their friends remain in isolation. It would be interesting to know just how many people have been quarantined so far but I think it most unlikely we will ever find out.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 25

    Tortola, British Virgin Islands

    27 Ocak 2022, İngiliz Virgin Adaları ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Arrived in Tortola at approx 0730 hrs and berthed alongside a large block of flats, called ‘Norwegian Encore’. Can we beat all these Americans to the beach.? We had a tour booked to Long Bay beach at 0930. We had a bit of warm drizzle until about 0815 when the sky cleared and the sun came out. Another fine and hot day ahead. Boarded the transport to the beach and after an interesting drive for most of the way we arrived at the beach, grabbed our sun loungers and parasol and enjoyed the lovely view. The water was very clear but a bit colder that in St Kitts and snorkelling just as uninteresting. Perhaps the fish don’t like tourists. Bought some drinks from the beach bar and accessed their wifi.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 26

    St Maarten

    28 Ocak 2022, Sint Maarten ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Last port of call in the Caribbean. Stood in a queue for our shore excursion to tour part of the island and got rather wet in a sharp downpour. Sat in the coach in the hope that we would dry off but as the air conditioning was on and it was cool, it took a while. The tour took us through part of Philipsburg, the main town in the Dutch part of the island and some way up in the hills before travelling through the border into the French part of the island and we stopped in Marigot, the main town in the French part. To be honest, it was all rather disappointing and I had great difficulty in finding anything to photograph. We then took a trip around the large lagoon that separates both the Dutch and French parts but, again, found it very disappointing as we found very little of interest. We returned to the ship rather underwhelmed. We decided then to take the water taxi to Philipsburg and just have a wander around. The main beach is lovely and parts of the town historic. We met an American couple who are staying on St Maarten for five weeks and had a really good talk over rum and beer. So a disappointing start to the day but a better finish.

    At 5.30 this afternoon we depart St Maarten and head eastwards to cross the Atlantic, heading for the Azores and then Southampton. Oh well!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 32

    Praia Da Vitoria, Terceira, Azores

    3 Şubat 2022, Portekiz ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    31st Jan. We are due to arrive in Praia Da Vitoria, Azores, on 3rd February and, so far, the Atlantic has been very calm, unlike previous journeys when we have been tossed about.

    Right, now to mention the Headliners. They are the entertainment company that provides shows on the ship and the cast do a lot of singing and dancing. Generally they are very good. When we left Southampton on 3rd January, they were due to perform a number of shows as advertised on board. All were cancelled over a period of ten days. So the rumour mill started, no doubt emanating from the launderette as these things do, saying that they were all in quarantine having been tested positive for Covid. This appears to have been factual because after ten days they performed their rather late first show, which appears to have been a great success. We did not attend as I think we were dancing. Then, all their future shows were cancelled! Now what, we all thought. Other artists were shovelled in to take their place but nothing official was said. However, as Erica and I were returning to the ship from our visit to St Johns in Antigua, we saw disembarking the whole of the Headliners crew (you could not mistake them) carrying their bags and suitcases and not looking happy. A short while later, the Entertainment Manager announced that there had been some sort of internal dispute with the Headliners and they had been disembarked from the ship and flown back to the UK. It has been said that after their first and only show, they went ashore at the next port of call, got drunk and misbehaved on the ship after their return. They were then confined to their cabins, sent off the ship in Antigua and flown home. Oh dear. Don’t think much of their chances of getting another contract with P&O.

    Just heard yesterday evening that an antigen test is now required for all passengers wishing to go ashore in Praia Da Vitoria. Previously no test was required. The testing will be done on Wednesday 2nd. We have been there before but after several days at sea we would like to have a good walk somewhere so we will go for our test. We are testing ourselves regularly anyway and we are negative thus far.

    2nd Feb. Tested ourselves first thing this morning and continue to be negative. Then went early to be tested by P&O to enable us to go ashore in Praia Da Vitoria. Our names have not been called out by reception to call them so, presumably, we are negative. However, a lot of names have been announced, we assume because they have tested positive. Quite a lot of people will end up in the isolation units by the end of the day. There are already quite a few people in there, including people we socialise with at the evening dancing sessions. From what we understand, they will have to remain in an isolation cabin (a cabin with a balcony towards the rear of the ship) until we arrive in Southampton when they will be escorted off the ship and taken to a hotel organised by P&O until the quarantine period ends, when they can then go home unless the other person in the relationship contracts Covid when the whole quarantine period starts again. After our visit to Praia Da Vitoria we will not be testing ourselves again because we will be arriving in Southampton on Monday morning and will then do the prearranged Pcr test when we arrive home. If that proves negative, then we will count ourselves lucky to have got away with it.

    The weather has certainly turned colder as we head north east towards the Azores but the sea remains reasonably calm. Still able to do the morning and afternoon dancing lessons on the open deck but today is the last day as the weather more likely to become unpredictable. Dancing continues in the atrium in the evenings. Looking forward to getting off the ship tomorrow and having a good walk around.

    3rd Feb. We arrived in Praia Da Vitoria on Terceira island in the Azores this morning. Placed under our cabin door we found two certificates confirming that we had been tested for Covid and that we are negative. I assume that we are supposed to take these ashore with us for somebody to inspect them but we have no instructions. No surprise there then. We will also be taking ashore evidence of our Covid vaccinations but I doubt anybody will ask to see those. The weather is currently 15 degrees, expected to rise to 17, with cloudy skies. The last time we were here it was very windy but no wind today so we should have a pleasant day.

    Currently sitting in a cafe with free wifi so taking advantage. It is now quite warm and enjoying the town. Jean, a fellow passenger has joined us for coffee. Now up to date and made a telephone call so will be on our way again.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 36


    7 Şubat 2022, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    5th Feb. Now about 200 miles off the coast of Bordeaux heading towards the English Channel and due to arrive in Southampton in the early hours of Monday morning. The weather today has been surprisingly pleasant, quite warm and sunny but the forecast overnight and tomorrow is not so good, stronger winds and a rougher sea. However, almost home and, at present and everything crossed, unscathed. Our dancing friends, David and Linda, remain in isolation because David had tested positive but Linda is now also positive. However, the latest arrangements are that they will leave the ship on Monday, after all the other passengers have left the ship, and then taken home to Herts by taxi, organised and paid for by P&O. Their daughter was due to pick them up. A couple of other dancing pairs have now disappeared, presumably now also in isolation along with a lot of other people and crew. When we were in St Maarten, an entertainer joined the ship called ‘The Mentalist’, a mind reader, and he was going to appear that evening and give a performance. His act was cancelled and we heard no more about him. David and Linda, in isolation, spoke to a man from their balcony who is next door but one to them. Turns out he was the ‘Mentalist’. He had boarded the ship, tested positive and immediately placed in quarantine. He said he hopes to be out on Sunday and be able to give a performance then!

    We had another dancing demonstration from the dancing instructors yesterday evening and they were fantastic. To thank them for all their hard work teaching us lot on the ship, we presented them with a signed card, quite a sizeable donation and a book in which we had all written personal comments. They were visibly surprised and a bit shaken. They have, without doubt, been the best instructors we have ever had on a cruise and we have had some good ones (and a few not so good). We have all said that without the dancing on board, what would we have done? The entertainment, generally, has been poor.

    6th February. Strong wind (we were told Force 8) and a rough sea to welcome us to the English Channel. Should calm down as we approach Southampton.

    0640 hrs 6th Feb. Well, what a carry on! Suddenly, as Erica was drying her hair, all the electricity on the ship failed and we were plunged into darkness. What had Erica done? The captain came on the loudspeaker to say that the ship’s propulsion system has failed and only emergency lighting was operational. The ship is wallowing and drifting in quite stormy seas. The captain asked all cabin stewards to attend their areas to reassure the passengers. Don’t panic, we all said as we wandered the corridors which had basic emergency lighting. Poor Gladys, our cabin steward, looked far more worried than we did and we had to spend our time reassuring her! Fifteen minutes later, the lights came on but the captain announced that only one of the systems had restarted and they were trying to restart the second. He said the navigational system was functioning and we were OK. Was that reassuring? I don’t think so. The ship is eerily quiet as there is currently no air conditioning. What about our dinner, Erica and I said? We have our priorities. All shows have been cancelled and none of the kitchens are working. Are we going to drift on to a beach in Normandy and surprise the French? And all this because Erica was drying her hair!! At 7.10 pm the captain announced that the second propulsion system was now working and he was turning the ship, presumably away from the dangerous cliffs that border this coastline. I imagine we can expect the ship to roll a bit as we turn round. All back to order by 7.30pm and we were able to have our evening meal.

    7th Feb. Arrived back in Southampton in the early hours and now waiting to leave the ship. We are due off at 9 am. Then home to do our PCR test. For me I am not hopeful that it will be negative. On Saturday I had done a test as we usually and regularly do and it was negative. However, on Sunday, yesterday, I felt as though I had a slight cold coming and also a slight headache. It will be interesting to receive the PCR result. Erica seems fine. There is so much Covid on the ship that it would be surprising to have escaped it.

    Indeed we did not escape it. The PCR tests proved positive for both of us so we are now in isolation at home. Very disappointed to have caught it but pleased it happened at the end of the holiday and not during it.
    Okumaya devam et