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  • Day 17

    Blouberg -> Kruger National Park

    January 4, 2020 in South Africa ⋅ 🌧 34 °C

    -we left our camp at Blouberg after yummy french toast for breakfast headed for Kruger
    -on the way we passed the 'Tropic of Capricorn' sign
    -we stopped in Tzaneen for lunch before heading to Kruger in the afternoon
    -the drive to our camp Letaba was incredible - we saw lots of elephants, giraffe, zebra and saw out first cat - a couple of male lions!
    -we organised our tours and upgrades before setting up our tents (for the last time!) and went for a swim
    -we then had a yummy dinner of pork and garlic bread before going on our night game drive
    -it was very cool spotting things at night time including springhares, impala, jackals, elephants, hippos, an owl and then a leopard which was like 5m from our truck!
    -it was a very hot night and difficult to sleep in 31 degree heat!
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