  • Hari 12

    Frankfurt #3

    24 Ogos 2021, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Continuing through some more of Frankfurt's sights. 1st this time is the Kleimarkthalle, Frankfurt's food market, just a block or so off Zeilstrasse. Those who have been following me will recognize that these markets are some of my favorite places: so much great looking food; wonderful aromas.
    The next picture looks across Paulsplatz to St Paul's church. Originally a Lutheran church, st. Paul's is where the 1st elected parliament (Frankfurt Assembly) in Germany met and proclaimed the 1st constitution that established a number of ideas continued in subsequent constitutions.
    The 3rd picture is of Romerberg. This square and neighborhood of half timbered and gabled buildings is classic Frankfurt. The Frankfurt Christmas Market is held in the square, along with many other events. Across the square is the Town Hall in picture #4.
    The 5th picture, just a short way from Romer, is the Haus Wertheyn. This building dates to the 1400s and is the only half timbered structure to make it through world war 2.
    The 6th picture is the Eiserner Steg Bridge, the only bridge of it's type in Frankfurt.
    At this point my phone started to run out of gas, and after almost 5 hours of walking, so did my feet. I recognize that modern Frankfurt is missing from this. Come see it for yourself!
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