  • 日14


    2023年1月18日, ニュージーランド ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    This is the location where King Theoden of Rohan had his Golden Hall, Meduseld. In the 1st picture, I'm holding the flag of Rohan from the movies while standing where the Golden Hall set had been built.
    The 2nd picture is of Edoras. That hill sits by itself is the middle of a large valley with almost 10 km of open space to the nearest mountain. The scale is immense and hard to fathom, even while there. I can imagine the shining Golden Hall on the high St point.
    The 3rd picture is taken about half way up the hill in about the location where the funeral mounds were located. You can see the 2 levels of the town. The flat area to the right is the lower town, protected by the lower wall. Meduseld sat on the very top overlooking the Mark.
    The 4th picture is the view from what was the front of the Golden Hall. The 5th picture looks in the opposite direction. Follow the line of trees down to the small hill. That is where Aragorn was rescued by his horse. The way to Helms Deep is the valley behind that point.
    The 6th picture is another look at the area around Edoras, this time from near the base of the hill. I hope you get the sense that this really looks to me like it could have been Rohan (see another post). JRR Tolkien's description is an amazing match to this place.
    The last picture is of the mountain where the beacon or signal fire was located. It was at the mountain top sticking up out of the clouds. Spectacular.