
joulukuuta 2021 - tammikuuta 2022
10-päiväinen seikkaillu — skip's retirement travel Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 3

    Museum at Jebel Barkal

    1. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    This museum houses artifacts from the region around Karima, mostly at Jebel Barkal (see another post). The 1st picture is just inside the front door and is of a ram carved as the Nubian representation of the principal God Amun-Ra. Missing is the stature of the pharaoh that was between the feet and below the head of the ram, showing that Amun-Ra protects the pharaoh who is also worshiped as the son of Amun-Ra. The 2nd picture is a series of terracotta jars of the traditional type that every home and other buildings has set outside. They are kept full of water for anyone passing by to drink.
    The 3rd picture is of 3 lions. The local god that predates the Egyptian incursion bringing Egyptian religion was a lion god.
    The 4th picture is a recreation of a Christian era grave with a naturally mummified body..
    The last picture is of the altar of a pharaoh found in a local temple. The engraved figures are of Hapi, the god of the Nile.
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  • Päivä 3

    Jebel Barkal, Karima, Sudan

    1. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    This is the ancient holy mountain of Nubia, Kush, and all the other names for ancient Sudan. It was believed that the ancient God Amun-Ra made his home here. As such, it is a significant holy site with numerous temples and tombs in the immediate vicinity.
    The 1st 2 pictures are of the mountain itself. Notice in the 2nd picture the natural pinnacle to the left. The ancients saw that as the cobra standing to protect Amun-Ra, as that was the cobra's role in the ancient mythology. That is also why there is a cobra depicted on the Egyptian crown, and there are 2 cobras on the Nubian crown
    The 3rd picture is the broken altar of the Nubian pharaoh Piankhe. His cartouche is at the left end. He is the Nubian pharaoh who conquered Egypt and established the 25th dynasty. It is located in the temple to Amun-Ra, the principle temple here.
    The 4th picture is the temple of Hathor that is excavated into the mountain. It is currently under restoration. The 2 columns are interesting in that they are shaped as the goddess Hathor.
    The 5th picture is a small Sufi shrine built with blocks of sandstone recycled from the older structures. This is something that happened regularly.
    The last picture is of Meroitic pyramids here. There were originally 40 of them at this site. There will be more posts about royal necropolises later. It turns out that there were more pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt, more than 200, I'm told.
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  • Päivä 3

    El Kurru

    1. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    El Kuru is one of the 4 royal necropolises of the Nubian kings/pharaohs. The Meroitic pyramids at Jebel Barkil is another of the 4 (see another post). The 1st 5 pictures are all in the tomb of the Nubian pharaoh, Tamuk Amun.
    The 1st picture is a painting of the pharaoh. The 2nd picture shows the 4 sons of the god Horus. The 3rd picture shows the procession to the ritual weighting of the pharaoh's heart to determine if he is fit to enter the afterlife.
    The 4th picture is after the pharaohs heart has been weighed, and he is proceeding to the afterlife.
    The 5th picture is of the sisters Isis and Nephtis assuring the pharaoh that they will take care of him. These paintings all depict the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.
    The last picture is of the mortuary temple at this necropolis.
    I note that this site has no pyramids like those near Jebel Barkil. They were here but the stones were reused for other purposes over the centuries. Pyramids like those at Jebel Barkil would have been placed over the tomb, and tombs like this would be under the pyramids.
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  • Päivä 4

    Gadar village

    2. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Gadar is a traditional rural agricultural village of Sudan. They are animal herders (goats, mostly) and farmers cultivating dates, fava beans (a Sudanese staple), alfalfa and more. The pictures look around the village.
    The 1st picture is of a few of their goats. The 2nd picture looks at one of their homes. The 3rd picture looks along an irrigation canal that is fed from the Nile. The field in the background is fava beans. The 4th picture looks along one of the village roads showing a few of their date palms.
    The 5th picture looks across a central Compound. Note the stacked sacks to the rear. Those are sacks of dates.
    The last picture shows a traditional artisan weaving the support within a bed frame.
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  • Päivä 4

    Old Dongala

    2. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Old Dongala dates to the 5th century CE built as a citadel and royal residence. This is the citadel that stopped the Muslim invasion and kept Nubia Christian until a king converted in the 13th century. The 1st picture is of the citadel wall that they couldn't overcome. Some of that is likely due to the Nubian archers who were famous in the ancient world. Many Egyptian tombs show Nubian archers in their decoration, and Land of Bows was an ancient name for this region.
    The 2nd and 3rd pictures are of the ruins of 2 of the many churches located here. The columns are the original granite. The floors are protected by replacing the sand.
    The 4th picture looks out from the citadel over the "suburbs" outside the wall. Many of these houses are said to have been large, suggesting wealthy nobles and merchants.
    The 5th picture is the Throne Hall, built on a rock outcrop east of the citadel in the 9th century. It is 2 stories with the throne room upstairs.
    The last picture looks over a graveyard from the Islamic period. Those structure are Sufi shrines/tombs. These date to the 17th century
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  • Päivä 5

    Karima, Sudan

    3. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Karima is the city in the north of Sudan where Jebel Barkal (see another post) is located. The 1st picture is at the port on the River Nile. As you can see in the 1st picture, it is a small, informal river port where locals bring products to the market here in small boats. Products are loaded from the boats to donkey carts as in the 2nd picture. Those sacks are dates. The Sudanese are a warm, welcoming, fun loving people.
    The 3rd picture is the main market street looking from the high point at the river above the port. The market actually covers several blocks like this plus an area around the market where folks who don't not have shops set out their goods on the ground The 4th picture is an example of a seller and his stall.
    The 5th picture is taken from atop Jebel Barkal looking over the town. The last is the entrance to the compound of the Nubia Rest House, our hotel. Thus is typical Sudanese architecture. The door is made of acacia wood
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  • Päivä 5

    Nile cruise

    3. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    This boat ride was on the Nile at the 4th cataract. This stretch of the river diverts into numerous channels in such a way that water flows over rocks, making sections of the water surface navigable. Some of the pictures show examples where the water breaks over the rocks and rushes down to the next level. Others look at the river above those falls and in some, you can find side channels hidden in the background. The last picture is of the main channel of the Nile in this section.
    This is only a small portion of the area of the 4th cataract. Sudan has built a hydroelectric dam upstream from here, flooding part of the cataract.
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  • Päivä 5


    3. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    This is the 2nd royal necropolis (chronologically) of the Napata Kingdom whose capital was at modern Karima near Jebel Barkal (see another post) but moved to Meroe about the 3rd century BCE. These 2 cities we're important throughout the Napata/Meroe period. Jebel Barkal was the religious center while Meroe was the economic center of the kingdom. The capital was where the ruler was, and that changed over time.
    These are 3 pictures of the Nuri necropolis.
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  • Päivä 6

    Gazali Monastery

    4. tammikuuta 2022, Sudan ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Gazali (which means gazelle in Arabic) is a monastery begun around the end of the 7th century and was active for several centuries. Nubia was a Christian nation until as late as the 14th century as the fortress at Old Dungala (see another post) was not defeated by the Muslim armies. Conversion to Islam came through gradual assimilation of Arab migrants who intermarried with the locals and finally a king converted.
    The 1st picture is of the main gate. The 2nd picture is along the front wall and out into the Wadi Abudoun. At that time this wadi had a perennial stream. The monks were able to grow their crops near that stream out front of the monastery. The 3rd picture is of a tank not far from the main gate that may have been a baptistry.
    The 4th picture is the monastery church. The 5th picture is the refectory. Notice the circle. These were the seats where the monks sat in a circle around a central table. There are several of these eating arrangements here.
    The last picture was taken from part way up the remains of the bell tower and looks over a portion of the monastery. This was a complex of building housing many activities including smelting iron.
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