  • Día 67

    Bonjour Lyon

    6 de noviembre de 2015, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    We woke up to an almost sunny sky this morning. We have been lucky with weather, it's been very cloudy but it's only sprinkled twice. After breakfast at a cafe we went back to the hotel to pack. With some time to spare we grabbed our books and headed to the Luxembourg garden right near our hotel. In the sun we relaxed for a while. We checked out and made our way to the metro. After a dramatic journey (train lost power causing a very sharp stop.... we're lucky we didn't end up on the floor... The delay was only about 2 minutes) we arrived at the station. We bought some lunch for the train and waited for our platform announcement. Second floor is a bit novel for Australians and allowed us views over the French country side for the two hour journey. The sun welcomed us to Lyon. It's actually quite warm (20 degrees Celsius). We checked into Hotel Elysee which is in the high end shopping district of Lyon. Oh dear. We freshened up and set off to Les Halles Paul Bocuse which is a covered market of fine food and the workplace of a girl I went to school with, Adrienne. Adrienne talked to us about cheese and we just generally chatted as well. It was a bit surreal, as it's been seven years since we graduated school. Adrienne asked how we managed with our limited French...we stumble. But we give it a try and have never really had a problem so far. B managed to order us 100g of Rosette De Lyon (like salami but amazing) in French, we got a brioche De praline and some wine as recommended by Adrienne. Some sweets from the patisserie evened out a fabulous meal which we enjoyed picnic style in our room. Hello Lyon food capital of the world! Special thanks to Adrienne for helping us out and having a chat!Leer más