  • Dag 13

    Dolphins, surfers and a candlelit dinner

    15. maj 2018, Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Today we had breakfast and got ready for the morning trip - a boat ride to look for dolphins with snorkelling on the way back. We went nearly all the way out to cloudbreak where all the pro surfers go in Fiji to surf. We looked for dolphins but there was nothing - there were two other boats looking also. Then all of a sudden they appeared, swimming alongside the boat, flipping out of the water, usually in pairs. It was amazing! There had to be about 40 dolphins all around us. At one point they even got in the boat’s wake and were riding the wave - truly amazing. We then ventured a little further out to check out the surfing - there were quite a few out but the water was relatively flat. I had never seen a wave break without land, it was a bit weird! There was also a tall wooden structure, like a wooden lookout in the middle of the ocean - our driver told us it was the judges platform - they come out by boat and can see from the tower. After that we stopped for snorkelling on the way back - the reef was amazing and there were heaps of zebra fish everywhere. We got back, had lunch and then snoozed and read until about 3:30pm when I went for a snorkel just off the island and B came out on kayak. The reef here is phenomenal! It has a big drop off about 50-100m from the shore, so I swam to that then swam along the drop off, seeing two angelfish that were almost a meter long, huge black clownfish, and so many other fish id never seen before. On the way back in I saw a black tipped reef shark (eeek!!) in the shallow water. It was only a baby, maybe a meter long. They don’t bite humans but it still scared me to see one in person. Back on dry land it, B stared in volleyball once again. We then went and relaxed before dinner - we had our special candlelit beach dinner tonight. It was just us, by candlelight, under the stars (which are very visible here). It was lovely. Tired, we went to bed soon after getting back from dinner.Læs mere