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  • Gün 8

    South Plaza Island

    18 Nisan, Ekvador ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Sunrise: 0554: High Tide 1125, 5.2 ft/1.6m
    Sunset: 1759 Low Tide, 2.3 ft/0.7m

    The islets of South and North Plaza lie off the eastern coast of the larger neighboring island, Santa Cruz. They are the result of geological uplift which took place over a million years ago; both islands were once part of the ocean floor. Before breakfast this morning, we make a dry landing on the concrete jetty. The South Island is open to visitors for exploration around a circuit trail of approximately half a mile in length, with a total altitude gain of about 26 ft/ 8 m. Part of the trail parallels the cliff top where the southeast trade winds provide the updraft so desired by numerous seabirds. As a consequence, nest swallow-tailed gulls and red-billed tropic birds are frequently. Seen in the area, and frigate birds soar overhead, over on the lookout for feeing opportunities. South Plaza Island is also home to one of the archipelagos largest colonies of Galapagos sea lions. The low, northern shore has been divided into several territories, well defended by some of the largest beach masters in the Galapagos. One of our goals this morning is to spend time observing and photographing the colorful endemic Galapagos land iguanas. On islands land iguanas have been almost wiped out by real dogs in the past; However, a hugely successful captive and semi-captive breeding program run by the CDRS and GNPS has allowed these endangered populations to recover. This morning we will be privileged to see these magnificent reptiles as part of a healthy population in the wild. Interestingly, on this small islet, the land iguanas’ territories overlap with those of the marine iguanas, and the two separate species have been known to interbreed here, and create a non-viable hybrid.Okumaya devam et