  • Dag 29

    Day 29 - Sand Gets Everywhere

    1. september 2020, Kroatia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Despite our tiredness, we still managed to wake up at 2.30am & not get back to sleep again. I was able to catch up on my blogs & start planning the next leg of our trip. I also discovered that there was a sandy beach right under our nose - just a short walk from where we were staying.

    Around 9.00am, we left the apartment & popped up the road to a bakery to get breakfast, then headed to the beach & found our spot. On the empty beach we had our breakfast, a cheese & an apple pastry, which were nothing to write home about. Damn, I just have!

    We then commenced operation sunbathe. The first visitors to join us were more elderly swimmers arriving for a quick dip, then as they left, the beach started to fill up with Croatian families & the odd couple like us!

    At lunch we walked up to a very quiet bar above us, which initially we weren’t sure if it was even open. We soon found out it was & why it was quiet. It was because the big fat bar owner was too lazy to come over to our table & serve us or even acknowledge our presence at his bar. Instead after reading instructions at the bottom of the drinks list on the table, we had to go up to the bar to buy his overpriced beer. The view however was terrific.

    After lunch we returned to our spot on the beach until we lost the sun behind the pine trees around 4.00pm, then hauled our still sandy bodies home. Back at the apartment, tiny pieces of shingle kept materialising from every orifice & scattering all over the floor & bed. It will be back to a pebble beach tomorrow.

    We chilled out for the remainder of the day. I tried to get Zoom Lolly Lilo out of the car boot without taking the bikes & bike rack off. I failed & worst still discovered that our car won’t now lock. Jackie’s research on the internet has diagnosed it as a faulty sensor. That’s handy!

    After watching the start of the 3rd & final T20 match against Pakistan, we went out to dinner at Konoba Karako along the seafront. Jackie had beefsteak with garlic & parsley, whilst I, as a second choice had the Dalmatian Vegetable Platter. We ended up sharing the two dinners & it was excellent.

    We returned home in time to see the end of the cricket, which ended in a disappointing defeat for England.

    Song of the Day : Car Trouble (Parts 1 & 2) by Adam & The Ants.
    Les mer