  • Jour 140

    A spiritual journey today - Fatima

    21 janvier 2017, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    A little spiritual journey today to the town of Fatima. Everyday I think about my life as I travel and everyday I am so grateful for my opportunity to travel, meet people, see this beautiful world, and to know that I am safe. I always say a prayer of thanks at the end of the day and count my blessings for the things I have done and seen. I didn't know what to expect when I did my detour to Fatima today but my inner heart was guiding me. This I learned is a town of pilgrimage where the Immaculate Virgin was seen be three young shepherds in 1916. It is like the second Vatican and Pope John Paul was here at least three times. I walked through the the garden of the stations of the cross which was amongst an olive grove and so serene and beautiful, called the Alustrel. I had the strangest feeling there, something that can't be explained. I then walked to the shrine area and watched people crawl on their knees to the basilica. It was amazing. I watched a young father holding his young baby crawling and he wept while he was doing it. Very moving.En savoir plus