  • Dag 206


    28 mars 2017, Slovakien ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    Took the bus to Nitra today which is about an hour and s half from Bratislava. Surprisingly I met up with Marta on the bus so we had a good talk on my way to Nitra. She gave me some really good day trip ideas for super cheap prices and told me to take a different cheaper bus back to the city which was higher caliber, less expensive, better service and complimentary coffee on board. I immediately booked my ticket back when I got to the station and she sure was right it was a way nicer trip back. Spent the day at the Nitra castle which was occupied by the Turks at one time and was also know as the mist episcopal place in all if Slovakia. The ancient Slovak language originated from here. Pope John Paul II visited Nitra in June 1995 and a large statue of him stands on the grounds of the castle. The entrance of the castle originally had a large draw bridge but now has a Stone bridge at the entrance. In the summertime there are concerts and evening films played in the castle square. The crypts are not accessible to the public but there is a large wooden carved scene of the last supper next to the hand dug 60m well. The carvings were beautiful. I then found the synagogue which was very interesting and featured graffic art by a locally born Jew who returned to Israel to live out his life. His family was lost in the holocaust and he was the lone survivor. Unbelievable art. I learned that the Jewish people don't adorn their synagogues with holy statues because theirs is a personal connection with God and nature and is not represented by idols. Very interesting. The synagogue was very simple, white and had a scripture tablet of the Torah above the alter. A large number of Jews lived in Nitra and were shop keepers, jewellers, bankers and tailors. Made my way back through town which had a huge square surrounded by restaurants. Had a lemon gelato on the way to the bus station for a mere 60 cents. 22 degrees today!Läs mer