  • Giorno 271

    Helsinki, Finland

    1 giugno 2017, Finlandia ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    Planes, trains, automobiles and ferries! I have covered all forms of transportation so far, except ballooning. This is still a possibility. Today's weather featured sun, high winds, rain and hail. Forecast for Helsinki 7 degrees. Yikes, winter again. So glad I have stayed healthy so far; must be all the cheese I'm eating. Twenty minute trek to the hostel and a one hour wait to check in, followed by a one hour circle tour of the campus before I finally found my dorm. Totally wasted 2 hours. Dropped off my pack and hustled out for 3.5 hour tour of the sites and the city. All can be done rather quickly as it really isn't a big city. It rained and hailed three times and the weather changes every 10 minutes. No wonder this is the country of the highest suicide rate-enough to put anyone over the edge. I walked along the harbour front and was surprised by a moving object and lo and behold to my surprise two jack rabbits. So cute and so huge! Helsinki is very expensive and so I've decided to move on to Turku tomorrow heading west to Stockholm. Hoping to meet up with Tyler and Amanda in the next few days in Malmo.Leggi altro