  • Dia 16


    8 de setembro de 2019, Dinamarca ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Spent the entirety of Saturday reading a book I bought at the airport in Germany ‘The shortest history of Germany’. Loved it. Clearly couldn’t put it down. From the dawn of writing to today. Great insight!

    We had breakfast with Nanna’s boyfriend Andreas and a friend of hers. Then pizza dinner with their cousin I had met at her Auties party Tina.

    Was a really good relaxing day!

    Yesterday we headed to the Moesguard museum. Bloody hell what a building. Grows out of the ground with grass all up its sloped roof which you can walk and relax on. Great view to the seas.
    The museum was great fun. History of people of Denmark and particularly Aarhus. Really well done! I got to the see the Grauballe man up close and personal. The Iron Age bog man. Fully preserved. They actually had to put him in a box under similar conditions to the bog (which holds no bacteria) to ensure he was fully leatherised and not shrink and lose his form. The best preserved man to date.

    The museum is interactive and fun. Ideal to learn about this area and greater Denmark!

    Into town and we found an all you can eat Sushi restaurant ( sounds bad but..) that you order through iPads. Absolutely delicious. Probably would have been cheap but we also ordered wine which was so nice we had a few 😁

    Back home to relax and hit the hay.
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