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  • Day 369

    Ha Long Bay!!!

    May 10 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Ha Long bay is sooo cool! We spent two nights there on a cruise and it was wicked. When we first arrived at the harbour i was a little concerned because some of the boats there were looking pretty old and rickety. Our boat was good though, it was made of wood and did look slightly worn on the outisde but on the inside it was really nice! On our first day we went to Sung Sot cave, which was alright, and Titop island which was crap. Titop is a swimming island but it was so polluted and crowded that i didnt even want to go in, we were ready to leave after like 10 minutes which really shocked the guide. I think if he saw the beach we go to everyday hed understand why we were so unimpressed. The sunset that night was absolutely breathtaking, we sat up on the top of the boat and enjoyed many cocktails soaking it all in. Ha long bay is the second wonder of the world ive seen this trip and it totally held up! Easily one of the best sunsets of the trip, up there with the pyramids and the special athens hill. Im keen to go see more of the natural wonders now, imagine if theyre all this good!
    After the sunset we got served a super yummy dinner, listened to the host sing karaoke, and then went squidding for a bit but didnt catch anything. The karaoke thing was weird coz the host just sang and then turned it off without letting anyone else have a shot. Mum and i were keen to do iris but had to do it on the balcony by ourselves afterwards ahaha.

    The next day we went on another boat to do a day trip of activities. First we went to an "untouched" cave with a seat at the front and a footpath going through it, then we went canoeing to a lovely empty beach that looked like it was straight out of a postcard. When we stopped for lunch the staff opened up a gate on the top deck of the boat and said we were able to jump off and go for a swim!! One of the people on our tour was a pro cliff diver and he was doing some crazy cool stuff, i tried to copy him but didnt get very close ahaha :/ . After lunch we went to check out a pearl farm which was absolutely fascinating. Pearls are made from little bits of debris like sand getting stuck inside the membrane of an oyster and pearl farms make pearls by opening up oysters and surgically inserting little beads. We got to see a guy inseminting the oysters which was so sick. Highly recommend two nights in ha long bay, the day trip activities are so much better than the stuff on the overnight itinerary.
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