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  • Dag 102

    04.17.2024 Null Island Sea Day 4/7

    17. april, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    Today is the day we made it to Null Island. Never heard of it you say? Us either until a few days ago. Null Island is the location at zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude ( 0°N 0°E), where the prime meridian and the equator intersect. Today we cross from the South Atlantic to the North Atlantic Ocean. Remember way back in January where we went from being polywogs to shellbacks? Today, we become Emerald shellbacks. Cream of the crop they say.
    There are no lectures this morning as it is crew safety drill day. Every 3 weeks the crew performs a safety drill. They don their life vest and report to their muster stations. Sometimes it’s a fire drill, others it’s a man overboard etc.
    During the drill which varies in length from 1-1/12 hours there is no service available so the theatre is dark hence no lectures etc.
    Diana laid by the pool in the comfy loungers.
    She attended Gail’s felting class where we made a pin/magnet that marks Null island.
    We attended wine tasting today at 1:00 of Spanish wines.
    Myron had choir practice at 2:00.
    Tonight was a special event dinner of reef and beef on the pool deck. Lobster and burgers. We sat with Randy, Vicki, Brian, Jonathan, Ron and Ann.
    Always fun. Myron went to watch the comedian- magician. Diana went back to the cabin.
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