  • Dag 2 243

    Fingers crossed

    18. januar 2022, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    So with a 3rd time visit to the Embassy today I'm hoping it's going to be 3rd time lucky. I arrive to the station early only to find I have left my travel card over the end of the bed. Not a good start, but I am so determined today I don't even think a Thai army could stop me. I arrive at the embassy at it is packed at 925 even though it doesn't open till 10 but I take my ticket and a seat and wait accordingly. I really feel sorry for the girls here as its seems very hard to actually have the right paperwork and as I sit here people become very irritated saying they have done everything properly. A German guy refuses to leave and keeps taking another ticket going back to a different window. When I get served it's with the same lady and she advises me I will need to reapply. I explain I'm supposed to leave on Friday and after going away comes back and says the Thai embassy will accept it but the airline might not. I can't take that chance and once again fill in the Thai pass application which this time only takes me an hour or so and says if its not back by Thursday I should go back to the Embassy. The stress of sitting it out is a nightmare but as I'm leaving the Thai embassy my new pass comes through saying I'm departing from Singapore. I'm so happy 😊 I've arranged to meet a few guys ar Sentosa tonight and I board the vivo express again . I arrive a little early but manage a quick cigarette. Dave turns up with a few of the crew and we make a short walk down to the ola beach front bar which has its own pool (dave never said to bring a swimming costume) not to be left out I go and purchase a cossy and sit sharing food and beer towers. We are now a group of about 13 and the rules of 5 mean we have to sit on different tables. Sasi comes over to join the boys and I take my opportunity to introduce myself to the girls. Most of my trip has been spent with men and tge girls welcome me in with open arms which is such a breath of fresh air spending time with a bunch of inspirational ladies . We all exchange our stories, and I'm sat with zoo keepers to art physcotherapists to I.t professional. Cynthia even has a specialist party trick of being able to climb trees. We celebrate our independence with jager bombs and the boys treat us to a bottle of bubbly Last orders at the bar come far too soon and its not goodbye its till we meet again. with only having had a few snacks, me and a couple of the guys head for something to eat at a hotel run by Sasi. The hotel employs kids with special needs , training them in all aspects. The service is better tha Raffles. Its an eco friendly hotel and being in a prime location I love the fact they are giving them an opportunity. Its been a perfect day and the longer I stay the more I don't want to leave. We finish the evening with Soju similar to sake and feeling well oiled arrive home.Les mer