  • День 2 288


    4 марта 2022 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Wow I don't think I realised how drunk I was yesterday. Its always the bloody Sambuca that gets me. It's like a silent assassin, but it's made itself very apparent in my head this morning. I feel rough as toast but weather the storm and take myself down to the pool for a swim to try and clear it. As I sit there the hotel backs onto the river and huge covered tugs go by that are carrying construction equipment, it can be anything from steel to sand. It amazes me the things that they move around by various transportation but they certainly get the job done. I've met a lovely couple here Patricia and Jan and sit talking to them by the pool. They own a condo here and spend two lots of 3 months here a year. As much as I'm a little envious I'm not ready to lay my hat down just yet and my plans are to head North tomorrow. Kate my Thai friend is in Bangkok and I invite her over in the afternoon to use the pool. Its so good catching up with her even though it wasn't planned to be this quick. We plan to meet up with the boys and head over to Khaosan Road again. Khaosan Road is a tourist street in Bangkok which going back before covid was absolutely packed day in day out with tourists eating anything from tarantula to scorpions and even though they are still doing that now there are far fewer of them. The boys are running a little late so we grab a few nibbles and a drink and arrange to meet them at the Jazz bar. I've booked a table because it gets so busy and we are literally squashed into a very narrow area but everyone is happy and seems to be enjoying themselves even though the drinks are a bit pricey. At the end of the evening Damon invites us all to a club but to be honest I haven't even packed yet and still need to book my train for tomorrow. The boys are thinking about it but there also on the move tomorrow so we call it a night and Damon and i share our last supper in the same late night food bar. I have the chicken in a whisky sauce which is so delicious before crossing the street to our hotel.Читать далее