  • Dag 2.392

    Back in Kota Kinabalu

    16 juni 2022, Maleisië ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    So arriving at 4.45am means I have nothing to do but hang around for a few hours. I'm heading over to see Michael and Ronaldo this morning but there's no chance they'll be up at this hour so I'm relieved to see the bus station cafe is open and join Marcus where I treat myself to a three layer tea and push myself to eat something even if it is only a roti. I've eaten nothing for the past few days but need to eat as I feel quite weak, and with no sleep I won't be making the festival. Marcus is heading to meet his friends as he isn't flying till tomorrow so we bid our farewells and agree to catch up at some point over the next few days and as I come to pay he's already got the bill. I get a grab and he's still waiting for his so I'm grateful I got to thank him for breakfast. On the way to the hostel I get the most amazing view of the Masjid Bandaraya with the sun rising behind it. There's one thing for sure you'd go a long way to find sunrises and sunsets like here. I arrive at the hostel and just sit outside thinking no one will be up and CK opens the door invites me in tells me to take a bed and make myself at home. I'm not really tired and shortly after Ronaldo wakes up so I have a chat with him and put a load of washing on. I'm more tired than I think and fall asleep in reception and one of the girls puts a pillow under my head and cover's me with a blanket. I only sleep for an hour or so and take my washing down to the launderette to dry it. Me Michael and Ronaldo head to the biggest shopping centre here and for the first time this trip I buy an outfit. Nothing special just a pair of long trousers and a t shirt as some of my clothes now have holes in and my white t shirts are looking pretty grubby. We have a vegetarian lunch and head back to the hostel where once again I repack my rucksack. We chill for a few hours before I say my goodbyes and make an early departure to the airport. I really am going to miss these guys but hopefully it's till I see you again.The traffic is quite bad so it's a good decision. I arrive to the airport well on time and have checked in online but when I try and print my luggage ticket it doesn't work. Once again I get the third degree about my travel plans and asked about an outbound ticket. This is so difficult because I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow let alone when I'm leaving the country. So to save the hassle I book a fake ticket at least it will save me any hassle when I arrive in Kuching. I breeze through immigration and have an hour in the departure lounge before boarding my flight. I meet Marjorie in the departure lounge and Mauri has text to say a lady she knows called Erica is on the same flight so she introduces us on Watts app and after a brief introduction we board the plane. We arrive in 1.45mins and all meet up outside the airport where we get a grab to the hostel. It's one of the worst places I've stayed but I'm so tired I could sleep on a washing line tonight and after getting a pillow case for my stained pillow I spray it with perfume and eventually fall asleep.Meer informatie