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    Karaoke queen

    21 Eylül 2022, Malezya ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    I wake this morning well rested and after a long shower get dressed and jump a grab to Raos. I ask the driver if he can stop at the launderette where I get him to pass my bag of washing through the window, which he kindly does and when I try to pay him with a little tip for his help, he won't take any money off me , comes around and opens my door and helps me out. There are perks of having a broken ankle after all. After breakfast I head back to the room and just before 1pm Othman picks me up to take me out for lunch. After 10 minutes of pushing he suggests we go to Sandy Beach and sits me with the perfect sea view. It's a pretty nice day but at this time of year random downpours are the norm. I wish I could go in the sea one last time before I leave and Othman offers to carry me but I remain sensible and stay in my chair. He drops me back and heads back to the dive shop. Lucky arrives back and with the weather being so nice offers to take me for the sunset to the beach front. I'd forgotten how beautiful the sunset was and how pretty when the beach lit up with an array of flashing toys.. We take a slow walk back and she surprises me with a karaoke machine. As we're sitting here a bloody big beetle is sat on the wall next to me. He keeps giving me the eye so I get Karl to move e him.We sing a few songs before having coffee and cake for supper and an early night.Okumaya devam et