  • Hari 7

    Herculaneum and a tour of Napoli Rail

    12 Mei 2018, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    After Pompeii we headed off the Herculaneum, which was hit but the same eruption as Pompeii but the inhabitants died from being burnt alive by the lava and volcanic ash.
    Caught the train to Herculaneum but missed our stop. No problem, we will get off the next stop. Except our train is now express. Finally got off. Crossed to the other platform and boarded the next train, which was heading in the same direction as the one we just got off. Got off another train and waited, and waited and waited and eventually a train came. We must have looked pathetic as an old Italian man with no English made sure we made it to the right stop this time.
    Herulaneum is smaller but much better preserved than Pompeii so you get a much better insight into how colourful their homes and businesses (there were many pubs) were.
    You are given a map and an audio guide. Follow the numbers 1, 2, 3 all easy and then it turned into a treasure hunt. Down one road back up the road you were on then backtrack back to where you just came from. They must have got bored after 3 and decided the next 38 will be allocated at random.
    The most interesting thing we learnt is we went to an ancient laundry and they used urine as bleach. So you send off your dirty clothes to be weed on.
    Today was a huge day. Got home at 7.30 pm just in time to get ready for dinner. Lucky the restaurants here don't close on Perth times!
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