  • Dag 8

    Loch Ard, London Bridge & Bay of Islands

    23. september 2017, Australien ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    We couldn't have asked for better timing after leaving the Tree Tops. It started to rain pretty hard. Yes I know this would suck for most people, but I do love the rain.

    We stopped at Loch Ard Gorge, which is this absolutely breath taking site. It was pouring and windy and cold. So there were no photos. We sped back the warmth of the car and continued our way West. Amazingly the rain slowed and eventually stopped as we made our way towards London Bridge. Now the song that popped into your head... yes this bridge did fall down. It used to connect to the mainland, but it fell. Luckily no one was hurt, just a couple people stranded, who were rescued within hours. Next was the Bay of Islands, which true to its name is a bay of islands. Amazing views, and possibly a gorgeous sunset. We however were to cold to stay... back to the cottage for dinner, a well deserved soak in the tub and an very early bedtime.

    👣's: 19189 - 13.3 km
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