  • 日14

    Kempsey Adventures

    2017年9月29日, オーストラリア ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    I arrived in Kempsey at 10:30pm thanks to Calen's sister Hailey and her fiance Adrian. They turned a 10 hour trip into 4. Sorry mom and dad I got into a car with strangers! It's okay though, it was a Zimbabwean! So cool to meet someone who has lead the life that he has. His family is from Port Elizabeth in South Africa! I love meeting my fellow Africans where ever I go. We had a lot of interesting talks about how lovely S.A. can be... meaning we traded horror stories.

    Anyway after chatting with Calen and Mark for a while we crashed at about 1am. And I slept in till about 11... oops. Calen was so mad she took me to jail. Just joking. She took me to the old prison called Trial Bay Jail. It was a prison built by prisoners back in the day. It was shut down in the early 1900's because they treated prisoners too well and it cost a lot to keep it running. It was then used as an internment camp for the German POW's, who actually lead a pretty good life for what it was. They had tennis courts to keep their spirits up and art classes. I mean obviously it's a terrible situation but these guys were some of the lucky ones!

    We then went off to Horseshoe bay for lunch, yes I had chips with chicken salt for all you worried Aussies! And it was so yummy.

    We then went to Little Bay where we saw wild Kangaroos and ducks... And some roosters. But obviously kangaroos were all I was interested in.

    Next we went off to Smokie Cape Light house. Which was gorgeous! Apparently it was named Smokie Cape because as Captain Cook approached he could see all the smoke from the fires of the Aboriginal people.

    Then Calen took me off to buy her some shoes... really not that exciting, but it was. We then drove off to drop Mark off at his friends for the night before the wedding. And just as a fun note... We drove through a town called Dongdingalong.

    👣's: 6914 - 5.05 km