  • Día 21

    Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

    6 de octubre de 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Not the most thrilling of days... travel day.

    Started the morning with packing and orginizing. Booked some tours and a flight. And ensure the last few days of my trip are all organised. Stress gone. Started having minor breakouts last night thinking of trying to get the last few things done. But the lady at flight centre was a gem. So I'm good!

    Then went off Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. No I did not hold one. Why? Cause it's not my thing. I just enjoyed all the other animals. Saw crocs, koalas, kangas, dingos, wombats, Tasmanian devils... And plenty of snakes. Got the whole Aussie list done. And I saw a platypus! So I am over the moon.

    Dropped off the car and made my way to the bus. Which is where I am. Enjoying the a.c. on this 34 degree day... mmm.... walked 1.5 km in the heat with my backpack. Loved it. But not complaining... just sweating. Hehehe

    But all in all Brisbane was a success... And driving here is lovely. Everyone is so nice and it's easy to navigate ... sorta. And I stayed on the correct side of the road... yay! Go me.

    👣's: 9542 - 7.15 km
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