  • Dag 16

    Palermo to Marsala

    23 mei 2019, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    This morning was a slower start, after a great breakfast at our hotel, Paul headed off to collect our rental car for the next ew days. He was one for a while, but the problem was a great queue at the rental agency. There was some sort of political rally at the dock below where we dined this morning, thousands of people were crowded on the dock around a large ship...

    Paul arrived with the car, and off we went. First stop was to the Temple of Segresto - a Greek temple that was almost complete. For some reason we could not find out, we were diverted fr the entry gates, but w we ignored that and managed to park. However, the place we were instructed to park was perhaps 2km uphill walk to the site. No one was going in. Very strange. However, I did manage to get some shots...Italians! Who knows!?! The gloves life, but a lot about them

    Back on the road, we headed for Marsala - famous for Greek ruins and Marsala wine, my mum's fave for trifles! What a cute town this was! It was a walled city,with great gates with side. Inside, there were marbled pathways and wonderful alleyways. There was an amazing gnarly tree next to a huge fountain. We wandered here for while, and jumped back in the car. We found the Penny Market, and felt obligated to buy supplies for lunch - beautiful fresh baguettes, ham, cheese and amazing tomatoes. We had to drive about 30km trying to find somewhere to stop for lunch. Peevee eventually used that spidey-sense and took this side road that deteriorated to a rutted track, which we prayed no vehicle came up the other way, when it opened up to this amazing view,and the side I f a mount, overlooking a golf course and the Mediterranean. We knew it was the one when it had a lone bench, with a sign saying "viewing spot" in English... Sensational lunch with an equally amazing view...

    Backing the car we drove another75 km toAgrigento, and the Valley of the Temples. This is a huge area of multiple reek Temples in the Doric style. The Temples date from 5th & 6th century BC, and attributed to the peoples of Rhodes...

    It was interesting, but not well signposted, and they did not give you a map. But we wandered among the ruins for a couple of hours.

    Following this, we headed for our hotel, in the Village of Kaos. It was beautiful, with a massive pool. Regrettably,a little cool or swimming...
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