Amsterdam-Rio, here we go 🇧🇷

Last year November I planted a little seed in Kim’s mind: why not make Brazil our next destination? Now this little seed grew into a girls’ trip of 3 weeks across the country with a very ambitiousRead more
Last year November I planted a little seed in Kim’s mind: why not make Brazil our next destination? Now this little seed grew into a girls’ trip of 3 weeks across the country with a very ambitiousRead more
I woke up quite early in the morning cuz of the time difference and since the girls were still asleep, I decided to head out and check out the famous Ipanema beach… Villő can confirm the beauties,Read more
Another day, another must-do in Rio! ✅ Today we visited one of the favelas so that we can get to see both sides of Rio, not only the sunshine and beach. We got a contact from our guide from theRead more
Today we checked off another can’t miss, Christ, the Redeemer, overlooking Rio. He is a pretty cool guy, fairly photogenic. 🤓 Later we checked out the biggest street and food market of Rio, inRead more
Today it was time to leave Rio (for now 😇) and head toward our next destination, Paraty, a fishertown on the cost, 4 hours drive from Rio. This time we were a bit less fortunate with the weather asRead more
We started the morning with an excellent breakfast at the hotel we booked to get some energy for the walking tour, as per usual. 🤓 Paraty was originally an area where the Guyanese lived untilRead more
In the morning we still had time for a morning stroll with some cute pictures and a last coffee at our favorite coffeeshop, Montanita before we jumped into our taxi to Rio airport to catch our flightRead more
Today is finally the day to visit one of the world wonders, the Iguazu Falls. 🤩 It’s the world’s largest waterfall system made of 275 waterfalls, borders with three countries - Brazil,Read more
Today we hopped in our transport to reach the other side of the falls, and the views were even more breathtaking than in Brazil! 🤯 The park this time was packed with tourists, still barely anyRead more
Today we took it slow and started the day with some yoga to stretch a bit and prepare for the nightbus ahead of us later in the day. Not much to report besides having a yummy poke bowl for lunch andRead more
Traveler 🔥🔥